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Brian Nose

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Everything posted by Brian Nose

  1. I don't know... I think Liverpool Lou is right on this one.
  2. Thank you. I just realized I am a retard.
  3. I have to apply for a non-immigrant B at the Thai Consulate Singapore. It says I must complete the online application "at least 10 working days before the intended date of travel". Does that mean intended date of travel to Singapore or the Consulate?
  4. Probably because you're riding a baht bus at your age.
  5. Neutral high, no euphoria. Just a constant state of confusion and mind-blownness. Take it with molly for an incredible experience. I haven't smoked yaba in about 18 years. I'd smoke it at this price but I'm not as reckless as I used to be and it smells so distinctively strong. I'd be scared of the neighbours smelling it.
  6. Zero potential of harm to the child. Panic ensues.
  7. They want me to get a work visa and then they fly me out. The Thai embassy is literally a 20 minute train away for me but they don't seem to be in a hurry despite September start.
  8. Thank you. Just checking to see if this was normal. ????????
  9. Lol. No. You keep answering the question "do I have a job?" I never asked if I got the job or not. I asked: If I get to Thailand, DM me and we'll talk about reading compression lessons.
  10. Is it normal to do this? The fact they say "give you the flight details in 2 weeks" is a bit strange. Why not now? The longer you wait the higher the flight price. Seems like they're trying to see if they can get someone in country to me.
  11. They have sent me the contract, it's just not signed by them. They want me out in 6 weeks. I sent them all my documents, they said they'll get back to me in a couple of weeks. With flights and more info. Idk. No contract, no job in my mind. It doesn't feel secure. But if this is just a Thai thing..
  12. I got the job, they sent me the contract but said it will be signed when I get there. Sort of feels like they'll keep looking for another teacher - sort of feels I should keep looking for another job..
  13. No. None at all. At least from my research and the link. Maybe others no different?
  14. Actually, I did a little research and ecommerce is eligible for BOI promotion which means a foreigner can own the business 100% and no need for Thai employees. https://thailawyers.com/thailand-boi-promotion-for-e-commerce/
  15. I'd have to set up a company though, register the name and address. I would imagine a separate business account too. Can I be a sole trader or do I have to employ a Thai? Really appreciate the knowledgeable replies.
  16. I mean sell online, yes. So the government legally forbids me to open a coffee shop because 1 work, 1 work permit - but allows me to run ecommerce? That sounds a bit strange.
  17. If my non-immigrant B was obtained for the reason of working at a specific school, can I continue to work for the school and legally run a side business?
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