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The Big Mac

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  1. The Cheney's are well known for their loyalty to the Constitution. Hilarious. Their loyalty is to the Halliburton's and Raytheon's of the world, to themselves, and nothing else. This women feeds the military-industrial complex and you think she's vastly preferable to a guy with a weird hairdo and an unsavory Twitter addiction. Lovely priorities, that. "Batshoot crazy" would be an understatement. Remember, it's the Right Wing in America that has all the guns and tactical knowhow. A civil war in America would not turn out well for the Left. Be careful what you wish for--and it might not be a good idea to publicly threaten a former president with execution.
  2. Wrong. But I'm sure you've been glued to them, eagerly awaiting the great bombshell that will never come. All Democrats presiding and two Never-Trumpers, that seems fair. No cross-examination of these so-called "witnesses," who do nothing but spout endless hearsay--which actual witnesses--i.e., the Secret Service agents involved--have already stated they are willing to refute under oath. The whole thing is a joke.
  3. Is anybody actually watching this kabuki theater? This last desperate attempt by the Democrat Party to distract the American people from its utter nothingness? From the rampant inflation, impending recession, skyrocketing gas prices, diminishing oil reserves, etc, etc, etc. . . But on the bright side of things, men can get pregnant, so I'm told.
  4. It was a "mostly peaceful protest," no? just like the hundreds of BLM "protests," but instead of getting a get-out-jail-free card, they are languishing in prison under trespassing charges thanks to activist prosecutors. Two very, very different standards of justice depending on your political persuasion.
  5. Always entertaining watching supposed left-wingers (all fifteen of them in Thailand) gushing over the most notorious war-mongering corporatist neo-con in American politics. Last time I checked she was 30 points behind her challenger in the Wyoming polls, and is slated to get perhaps the worst shellacking any incumbent has ever experienced. But never fear. A cushy pundit job awaits her at CNN or MSNBC. Can't wait till the Republicans take over Congress and give the Dems the same treatment. If they dare--we'll see. Pay-back is a you-know-what. So brace yourself, all those Trump derangers out there. Fauci will spend the rest of his golden years getting bent over a desk by Rand Paul. Then Hilary's next.
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