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Pork Pie

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Everything posted by Pork Pie

  1. Neither is cannabis here.
  2. That wasn't the point being made. It is an undisputed fact that cannabis stays in your system and can be detected for a long period. The point that the poster was trying to make was that a person can still be high the morning after smoking. I am refuting that point, not the length of time that THC can remain detectable.
  3. So offer some real proof, then I can't dismiss it.
  4. Aspirin can stay in your system for 10 days, do you think that it's still active after a couple of hours.
  5. Did you even read the article. Did you not see the disclaimer at the start? Researchers have studied the health effects of cannabis, but they currently know very little about cannabis hangovers. Medical professionals do not know if using cannabis causes adverse effects the day after using it, and only limited studies reference the occurrence. So it the study itself admits that 'cannabis hangovers' probably don't exist and that no real tests have been carried out on the subject. The whole article is an opinion and has no scientific relevance at all. Do you have any real proof that I can dismiss?
  6. You do realize that we are talking about weed here and not Heroin, cocaine, alcohol or any of the other dangerous, life wrecking drugs. Show some proof (any proof) that a cannabis high carries on after a nights sleep.
  7. At the moment it's still a work in progress but I do promise you that there is a link.
  8. What.does "no effect on work" mean.? Stoned Sunday but not Monday! Are you seriously suggesting that a high carries on when you wake up the next day?
  9. the fact that he's smiling in the picture can only attest to his mental state... Yes, a drunkard.
  10. No I'm asking a serious question. Just because you are happy with your own reasons/answers, does not mean that others who don't understand are trolling.
  11. Eeeh, I was asking the poster to explain. I honestly do not understand why one would purposely disfigure their body, was there a problem with it. If a man encourages or pays to change their wife's body, to me that indicates that they were unhappy with what they already had.
  12. Please don't try offloading him on us tokers, he is not one of ours and we don't want him. Please group him with the drinkers, they are much more deserving. ????
  13. Actually the worst is trying to open these plastic bags while wearing the issued plastic gloves. It's like trying to scratch an itch while wearing oven gloves.
  14. Not me. What infuriates me the most is those plastic gloves that they used to give out when you entered a Makro. You can never open the things without taking you mask off to 'blow' them open. Honestly, 'someone getting it for free' doesn't even come close.
  15. 50 Baht? Did you sleep with her twice?
  16. I have never seemed anyone.
  17. Pretty sure that you can get some form of scoop to clean them out before re-using them now.
  18. You pulled a prostitute out of a bar full of prostitutes. Wow, you must be so butch.
  19. TBH, I don't know what strengths of cannabis oil are available in Thailand but a THC level of 0.02% would have no effect whatsoever.
  20. Looking at the strengths shown on that packet, you would probably get a better high from a coffee shot.
  21. Why would you want to change the thread? This thread is about cheep weed. If you want a Cannabis Buyers Report thread, you should start one, rather than wrecking a totally good thread to match your needs/wants.
  22. Also saves you from having to meet with known drug dealers. ????
  23. The chances of a foreigner falling foul of these guidelines are from my experiences and by advisement of my fiancé and friends higher than upon native Thais. Then all of the evidence since the legalization came into effect shows that yourself, your fiance and your Thai friends are very wrong.
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