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Everything posted by Sufferer1408

  1. Steven all you did was take those and you were fixed? Or did you have any other parts of the routine?
  2. I’ve tried the bone dry strategy for MONTHS, and did weeks of fluconazole. Now i am doing nothing to it.
  3. Wow, funny you mention that dermatologist. That is exactly the doctor I saw for a different viral disease I had on my genital area. She was the worst dermatologist I had ever seen. She gave horrible advice on my condition and said I could basically continue to have sex with it and also said the lesions were too small to identify. I went to another clinic and they identified and treated the viral disease. Also, the whole time i was in her office I got the feeling she wanted me out of there as fast as possible. I don’t have anything positive to say about her, but i’m glad your experience was not the same as mine.
  4. How long did you have balanitis for?
  5. Hi Austin, yes i actually was tested for diabetes, my blood sugar level was normal. I was thinking of going for a swab culture and urethral swab next, then if still no answers do a biopsy. Should I just go to bumrungrad for this stuff?
  6. Did you get it from sex? It was some fort of std?
  7. Hey Jim, I also went to a urologist at Bumrungrad and he just gave me a useless cream. Seemed like he wanted me in and out of the doctors office as fast as possible. Do you remember which dermatologist you saw that if comfortable looking at genitals? Or could you get the name please. It would mean the world to me. I saw a dermatologist at Bumrungrad also for a genital problem and she was the most dismissive worthless dermatologist I have ever been to, even worse than local hospitals.
  8. No doctor seems to be of any help. I have now been suffering for 5 months. Can anyone reccomend any clinic or place I can get a real diagnosis? Doctors just send me home and play a guessing game with different useless creams. I have been tested for nearly every STD all negative. At my whits end with this heinous condition.
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