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  1. Baht. I'm paying only for work. Everything else I'm supplying (not only ceramic tiles, even small stuff like glue, nails etc.). Guys just come in the morning and there is pile of sand, cement, bricks, window and I tell them to take down old wall and put up new wall with that window inside. I think you cold build 500,000 baht house this way easily, but something like 700,000 Baht would be much better budget, as you could really buy good stuff.
  2. No, concrete road. With water, electric and optic internet. I think you could built the walls, roof etc for 350K. But not the entire house. Lets speak just ceramic tiles - floors 40,000 bath, 2 bathrooms 20,000 Baht, kitchen 20,000 Baht (excluding work!). Not even talking stuff like shower heads, toilets, sinks .... .
  3. 2 months ago I bought this for 750,000 Baht. I already changed all windows, redesigned/demolished/built indoor walls, new ceilings, new floors, new bathrooms, new kitchen etc. I think I put another 300,000 Baht in renovations into it to put it up to European standards. About to move in. So about 1,1M + about another 100,000 Baht in the future to make garden/carport etc. I'm going to live there full time, but in the future I think I will also buy some 1M - 2M apartment somewhere near beach and will live 50/50 Isaan and beach.
  4. I would add to iternary Vang Vieng and Luang Prabang. Not very far from your route. And it could a highlight of the trip, as in these places is actually something to do and something to see, other that broken 3rd world communist country. 500cc should have no problem of entering Laos (with 300cc I was allowed to cross, but I was told at border next time to come with bigger bike, as low cc bikes aren't allowed to cross) Don't forget to drive on right side of the road. ????
  5. Scooters are for girls. ???? Men drive real motorcycles.
  6. I bought Toyota Hilux, because it's what everybody drives here, easy to buy exact second hand model, easy to find parts, easy to find people who can fix it, easy to sell... . If you're into cars and want Chevrolet go for it. Otherwise I think it's not worth a headache, especially if you see car just as a thing to get you somewhere or transport something.
  7. Looking at the internet and thinking out of box, leg shortening starts at $12,000. ????
  8. As a foreigner I can inherit house + land. But I would have to sell it within 1 year. And I'm looking fo a lawyer in the area that could draft this will.
  9. I would like to my wife wrote a last will where I would get the house. Can you recommend somebody in Sakon Nakhon/Nakhon Phanom area who could help? (+/- 100 Km/Miles) Main issue is to them being able to speak English.
  10. I find it quiet pointless to watch, if you know the outcome... .
  11. In my life I have only painted nice walls. And this time my walls in entire house are quiet a mess and I'm lacking experience here. Will the standard primer + color hide this? There was a lot of renovation done + there is a lot of kids drawing on some walls. Or should something else be done before primer + color?
  12. Me and my wife went to land office. They printed out their standardized template which said something like "I give lifetime usufruct over this property to FrederikKitten" which we both signed (2 copies). And they printed on the back of chanote "lifetime usufruct to FrederikKitten". However they didn't give us copy of signed usufruct (they kept both copies). We got only updated chanote. Isn't it weird, shouldn't we have at least copy of usufruct so we know what is our agreement about?
  13. Does it tingle when you lick both wires at the same time? ????
  14. "Checking" means paying 200 Baht and they taking a photo that the car was physically there. There is no "checking" of the state of car involved. At least in our Isaan provincial city. Really no big deal if you're worried about that. About number of years I can't help.
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