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  1. Bruno thank you so much. You saved me.
  2. Thank you. I did just that, and the lady at the counter did something (wasn't able to see what) and now it says "valid till 2023" or something, but nothing really changed. Also, I like to understand exactly what's going on, don't like to be clueless.
  3. Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster. I need help, I've bought this SIM way back when I just got into Thailand and it's a 'Happy Tourist' <deleted> with like 1 to 7 to 30 days packages and it runs out of balance at most inconvinient times and costs are ridiculous! When I try to switch to something like Go+ or other package that seems way more reasonable, nothing happens. Are those for Thai ID holders only? Can I just buy a Go+ SIM and migrate my phone number? Couldn't find this on the forum. I really need someone's help, I'm tired of wasting 2000+ THB monthly on this <deleted>. Thanks.
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