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Everything posted by SomNaNa555

  1. Genocide for all the world to see. That's stating what Israel is actually doing.
  2. No evidence that "half of those killed have been Hamas members". Perhaps if you count women who voted for Hamas as a political party. The other half killed are children so they don't vote.
  3. Do you work for Israeli propaganda dept? Your posts are so ignorant nobody can take them seriously
  4. Maybe you should read up on the history. Your posts in support of Israel and its genocide are completely ignorant
  5. The Israelis have been exposed as the genocidal, apartheid, rabid, murderous thieves that they are. They have been committing ethnic cleansing of land stolen from Palestinians for 75 years and now the world has learned the truth. The young men that broke out of Gaza, the giant concentration camp, had every right to attack their captors/oppressors. As an Illegal Occupation Force under International Law, the Israelis have no right of "self defense", but rather only responsibilities to protect the occupied people and depart from the occupied territories. The Israelis will be known around the world now as no different than the genocidal Nazis in Germany. They both are killing mass numbers of people to create their Ethnonationlist Religious state.
  6. You're right. 3 years in Thai prison and then deported. Let them live where the sheep are scarred and the men wear black socks with shorts
  7. Ok, only 6 to 8 times. But definitely shot dead on the spot
  8. At least a year in Thailand jail!! Then deport! In the USA they would have both been shot dead on the spot!
  9. PEPPER SPRAY!! One should always have it on hand. There's a reason why mail delivery people ALWAYS carry pepper spray. It works. So sad to read about these pit bull dog attacks. 🐕
  10. No mention of the 2.3 million Palestinians who can not travel ANYWHERE because the land stealing Israelis have them imprisoned and with their boots on their necks for the past 75 years!
  11. He's a corrupt piece of shxt. Maybe the Thai people will get a clue now. The next election should be a landslide for the Move Forward party.
  12. In a USA airport he would have been tasered by all of the security guards instantly and dragged off to a jail cell. That's if he was lucky! There's a high probability one of the guards would pull his pistol and filled him with holes.
  13. like almost all other medicines, it is from a plant. What other medicines are also suitable as recreational intoxicants?
  14. Because 1) it's a medicine 2) it can't be enjoyed by most people unless it's used daily and a tolerance has been developed 3)in other words, if a person who doesn't use weed regularly has a few hits they will usually not enjoy it or handle it well. Alcohol and tobacco are good examples of recreational intoxicants - i.e. they have no medicinal value and can easily be used occasionally and in moderation, and enjoyed by people without them having to be alcoholics or chain smokers.
  15. Weed is a plant based medicine. Like most medicine, THC and the other cannabinoids, it actually is derived from a plant, or discovered in plants and then synthesized. THC is NOT suitable as a recreational intoxicant like alcohol and tobacco, as 93% of cannabis consumed is consumed by DAILY and All Day/Everyday users. That is people who use cannabis to self medicate themselves for other medical issues. Khun Chuwit is absolutely correct that it needs regulations and should be handled like a medicine for Adults only.
  16. The current price in California for that weed is $300 to $500 per lb. The tag on the bag seen in the pictures has Natura Cultivation, LLC CCL20-0000452 Mr Kruesophon partner is Josh Schmidt from Natura in Sacramento and Berner from COOKIES. If it is selling for 700 baht per gram they are making approximately $140,000 USD on each 20lb shipment
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