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Posts posted by puyaidon

  1. As a American I prefer a breakfast of over easy eggs, bacon, and toast.  When I do order breakfast, the eggs look like the picture in this forum and I could use them as hockey pucks instead of over easy.  I don't know why but over easy does not compute with the local cooks.  Actually the only time I can get a decent breakfast is make it myself.  Just an observation.

  2. When I go in for my 90 day reporting, I get the report date for the next 90 day visit and make out the form for the next reporting date.  I print out the form and set up a date in the calendar function of my mobile phone.   Why?  Well, when I was working my employer did not turn in my report on time and I was very late.  I forgot about it myself for 14 years.  When the provincial immigration offices were established, I told the officer my problem and he only charged me 2,000 baht.  I was lucky so now, I don't take any chances.  I use the Nonthaburi office and they can be very strict  when they want to be.

  3. I mailed my return through Thai mail on 18 Feb and got the deposit in my bank account on 15 Mar.   Faster than last year and was surprised to say the least.

  4. You should count yourself lucky it was such a short time to get your 90 day report done. 


    Today I went to the Nonthaburi office and had to wait in the queue outside the front door for 20 minutes.  Finally got my queue number and had to wait for almost an hour with the person doing the 90 - day reports almost in front of me.  I sat down when they called # 401 and I was # 415.  I waited about an hour for my number to be called.  By the way, # 401 was a farang and the next farang in line was me with # 415.  All the numbers in between were from Burma, Cambodia, and other countries.  Once I got to the officer, I sat down for only 2 minutes and was done.  Most of the earlier numbers would not have something right with their paperwork or just kept talking to the officer slowing everyone down.  


    Am I complaining?  No, as this is one of the problems we face as guests in the country.  By the way, the attached photo shows you that Nonthaburi is a very small office.  When I first started using the Nonthaburi office over 6 years ago, it took us 2-5 minutes to get our report done.  Now it is slow due to more laborers using the office due to the massive amount of construction in the province as well as changes in the management of the office.


    Again, count yourself lucky it only took you less than an hour.

    Nonthaburi a.JPG

  5. I can only speak for my experience in Nonthaburi but had to get the Income statement legalized first in March 2016 and again in March of this year.  No translation was required but the 2016 requirement without the EMS function.  The 2017 requirement had the option of EMS.  Cost of the EMS was 60 baht but can't recall the cost of the legalization.  The document arrived at my house the next day after turning it in.


    Being a pessimist, I can only assume that some foreigner in Nonthaburi tried to turn in a fraudulent income document when doing the visa application.  For those of us that use the US Embassy, $50 US is a  steep price when we can get the same service in the US for far less or even free but that is the price we must pay to stay here.  I don't think the Nonthaburi Immigration Office is at fault for this requirement but I would choose to blame some foreigner who tried to game the system.  

  6. Nonthaburi Immigration has required the CFA certification for my last two visa extensions.  I am getting the impression that it started in Nonthaburi but unsure.  First time at CFA. had to wait for the letter.  Last March, the letter had the mail option.  Saved a lot of time.  I don't know the reason for the CFA stop but like above, suspect someone tried to turn in a forged letter.  But in any case it seems to be a sign of the times.

  7. A group of us had always drank together but we had one guy who always drank but did not buy a round himself.  We got tired of it one day so when he left for the restroom, we paid the bill except for his drinks and left the restaurant and went someplace else.  He got the lesson when he came back and saw the empty table and the bill waiting for him.  He never drank with us again.

  8. I have read that you have to also look at the medical history of your parents and beyond. In my case, my father died at age 50 from a heart attack and have learned that it runs in the family. I elected to take the lower rate at age 62 along with many of my friends mainly as it is there and who knows what will happen if you wait until age 66.

    Lots of guys getting in accidents and getting hit by buses so why take a chance? It is a complicated decision and each must decide depending on their circumstances.

  9. I bought my Kindle from Amazon and it was delivered in three days here in Nonthaburi. I paid custom charges when I bought it and even got a small refund later. They do sell them in the B2S part of Central as have seen them in Central Chaengwattana close to my home.

  10. I just completed the process for extension based on the retirement income requirement. I live in Nonthaburi and had to get the stamp from Consular Affairs. The process was time-consuming and crowded. I can just imagine if all had to get the stamp. Consular Affairs might as well open another office just for the stamp process.

    I hope for everyone's sake, this is not true for anyone other than Nonthaburi residents. I don't like it but we have to live with it as we live here.

  11. It came time for my visa extension based on retirement so I had my forms ready for the Nonthaburi office including a TM30 form and a copy of my landlady's ID card. On Monday, went to the office and waited due to many doing visa extensions. The lady looked at my forms and commented on my income letter from the US embassy. For some reason, I needed a stamp/sticker from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Chaengwattana on the back of the form. Off we go to an office with no parking space but finally got in. Filled out some forms and paid 400 baht. Two to three hours later, got the forms. One of the forms had something about legalization something on it in English. Got the stamp/sticker on the back of my income statement with a signature of an official from the ministry and her stamp. It seems that the stamp is needed to verify my signature on the front of the income letter is actually my signature. Confusing to say the least.

    Tuesday morning, went to the Nonthaburi Immigration office and waited to be called. While sitting there, the immigration lady told an American sitting next to me that he had to get this stamp just like me when he came in for his visa extension. As I had waited for two to three hours the day before, the lady processed my extension very quickly and after paying my visa extension fee, I had my extension.

    From what I observed, this only applies to the Nonthaburi office. Can someone explain what this stamp is about when visa extensions don't need this stamp from either the main office or other provincial immigration offices? I learned that I would have to do the same process next year also. i have heard that this may be due to a shakeup in the office or the entire immigration system and due to interpretation of the rules regarding visa extensions for retirement. Whether this applies to the entire immigration process has to be answered by someone smarter than me.

    I am mainly confused as to how this will affect both myself and other retirees in the future. Please advise if you know the answer.

  12. Many years ago when the US Air Force was over here, farang was used extensively by the Thais. What was unusual was they referred to the black US types as "farang dum" and many blacks too offense when they heard the phrase. Most did not know any Thai and did not realize that the Thais were referring to them as black foreigners. They thought that the Thais were calling them dumb rather than a color. They finally learned but it was still not easy for them to get over the idea of dumb rather than dum. Some of the previous comments make a lot of sense but how you interpret the word depends on your knowledge of the Thais and their language.

  13. Just got back from Nonthaburi Immigration for my 90 day report. Before they wanted a copy of the passport face page, visa page and now a copy both front and back of the Departure Card. I always take a full set of passport copies just in case and today, I needed the one copy of my Departure Card. Just a word to the wise for those using Nonthaburi Immigration as now I saw only one lady from before. It seems the entire office has been replaced by new personnel.

  14. I had the same type of situation. I ended up getting a lawyer who deals with foreigners and obtained a divorce based on abandonment. I understand the time of abandonment is now three years whereas I was without a spouse for ten years. Cost me 40K and 45 minutes in court. If the children are yours legally, that might complicate things. Only way to find out is to get with a lawyer recommended by friends or close contacts. Good luck.

  15. I had to get mine sent in from the states but I did read that dabbing the cut with a Q-tip soaked with rubbing alcohol does about the same thing. Read it on line about six months ago. Alum was mentioned also.

  16. Those who think that dropping the bomb was not necessary are delusional. Japan had built up a massive amount of airplanes, submarines, boats, and personnel just to face an invasion. They had even enlisted civilians who would give up their lives just to defend the homeland. Books like "Codename: Downfall" and "Hell to Pay: Operation Downfall" give a lot of info on what the Japanese had waiting for us if we had invaded. Over 300,000 Purple Hearts, given to wounded were manufactured, were not used and are being used for military wounded in action now. You should look at the logistics that was in the works just to get enough men to invade. It is estimated that we would have had approximately one million casualties, both dead and wounded just on the Allied side. It was estimated that the Japanese would have suffered over five million casualties, probably most dead. The world judges Hitler by the six million Jews he put to death in the death camps not counting the many others who did die. Imagine how they would view the Allied powers if we had killed five million Japanese, both military and civilian instead of the 100,000 deaths or so by the atomic bombs. We would have been the ones offering the apologies rather than seeking them from the Japanese. Do your research, not just what you feel. There is a lot more to consider then the liberal view.

  17. I visited a major international hospital here in Bangkok where the urologist recommended a cystoscopy exam costing 10K. Sorry, not for me and later found that the credit card I used was used to make a charge in a hotel in Mumbai, India. I quit going as they seemed to dream up more procedures that seemed to get more and more expensive. My bill every two weeks was at least 5K for medications. Another reason not to visit that hospital and it was not any of the ones mentioned in the previous posts.

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