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  1. Hello, I am trying to use the online service to complete the affirmation to marry. I cannot get passed the upload photo of passport even though the initial message says the image is successfully uploaded, I then get an error of file size too big, it has to be less than 5MB. The photo I am trying to upload is only 2.3MB, see attached. I have tried retaking the photo in case it was corrupted but it still comes back as file too big. Is there a problem currently with the service or is there an alternative way to do this. Thanks
  2. Thanks Soi3eddie.
  3. Hello, I will be flying into Thailand in a while on a Non Imm O 90 day visa based on retirement, already approved from Thai Embassy UK. Once in Thailand the intention is to get married and apply for extension based on marriage. My question is will I require proof of an onward flight? Thanks Joe95
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