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Posts posted by peterjohn

  1. there is a lot of talk about drugs in prisons and the use of mobile phones

    well the answer is simple and I thought tailand had the answer

    death to the drug dealers and no bull shit with lenghty trails (a fair trail) where lawerys make heaps

    and if drugs found in the prisons or mobile phones then find the guard that helped get them in and put them in prison also

    now we know it goes on not only in thailand but in every country in the world

    lets not say the prisoners are corupt it is the system that is corupt

    fix the system

  2. Its great to see children learning not to just throw it out the window.

    I wish they would teach australian kids the same(to recycle) but to be just they throw it in the bin but what they throw away could feed a thai family for a week.

    My wifes first trip to au she looked at all the rubbish left on the footpath and wanted me to stop and take it all home.

    she just could not believe it she thought had died and gone to heaven

  3. traveled from perth to singapore /bkk two months ago

    had to take out paper work out of brief case as it was 1kg over and put it in my carry on carry bag with 1shirt and 2 pairs of jeans as i have all my clothes here in thailand bag wieghed less than carry on. but brief case had my computer in it so would not send it as baggage

    5 people from I dont know where were going to china and they had two heavy bags between them plus carry on two had to pay excess not only to singapore but to where they were going

    cheap but you pay the extras plus you pay for your seat (if you are big you need a exit seat if not so big Arow is alright but I pity you if you get a regular seat on a long trip

    if you want a beer then you pay top dollar they dont pay any tax on the drinks but you pay 5dollars per can

    think twice


  4. mark I think you are a bit rough or you have plenty of money or may be no children

    they are not just animals and when you have to travel you just farm them out till you get home

    It is not the children it is the stupid parents that some time dont control there children or may be dont plan there journey

    my children behave better than some drunks (heavy drinkers) on the plane and demanding this and that

    you sound like a past so called mate.

    loves making them but after that lets move on

    just a ass hole

  5. I agree it is not the best city but new york is a long way behind it (wait 2 hours to get on the george washington bridge yes a great place to live)I think it is not a great place as every time I go there I have to deal with people that would not get a job in any other city.

    yes it has a lot going for it if you are related to some one.

    but if you dont like it get out (if you can'nt stand the heat get out of the kitchen)

  6. "...that indicate gross negligence on the part of the main contractor."

    As expected really.

    In fairness, most of the new projects and PTT constructions around Maptaphut seem to be of a high construction and safety standard. This is just as well, seeing as their is a lot of potentially very dangerous plant being built. :o

    Although there is a lot of counterfeit and fake plant / equipment coming in from China. This is where a lot of main contractor companies make money on a project.... :D

    tawp what have you got to say in regard to the gas explosion in australia(karratha wa) where it has put thousands out of work lucky no lifes were lost but it was just luck

  7. Ok guys we do this adn the headline will read Thousands of Busses Head to Bangkok to Deport Farrangs.

    Lets never forget who is in charge and it sure ain't us :o

    this is not a thai thing it is a world problem thailand is coming of age and it is nearing a turn in cultor (my be not a good thing)but the higher the price of fuel the more the gov. gets over 50%goes to the gov. I think it is time gov. took a cut world wide.

  8. 27 youths in one room :o all of them on yabba and 16 to 23 in age :D anyone know what will happen to them?

    They will be held for up to two days at the police station before going to court were they will be given a 45 day sentence (they could get bail and serve this time attending the probation office, but very unlikely), then after that they will either be released to attend 4 months at a clinic or another 120 day sentence at a military camp before serving another 2 months probation, if they complete this with success they will then get 1 years aftercare at the probation office were they will have to attend once every 3 months to see how there getting on. If they fail to stay clean there <deleted>.

    Well they are not as fcuked as I thought they would be

    Maybe not, but there treatment will be very harsh, say there put in klong prem they will get beatings, have there stuff stolen, won't be suppilied with ant tooth brush soap ect. Theres even rape. Its pretty harsh, some of them will have there familys vist who may not have a lot of money and decide to buy there loved one goods from the shop only for the loved ones never to see the goods as there be stolen by the gangs who run it. Theres no such thing as human rights in these place's regardless of the crime. Thai on Thai treatment is awful.

  9. . Blood donors are asked if they are homosexuals and female donors will also be asked if they have had sex with men from countries that have high incidence of Aids cases.

    Interesting since a USAID report suggests otherwise:

    In 2005, more than 40 percent of new infections were among women, the majority of whom were infected through intercourse with long-term partners. Violence and a low level of condom use due to women's inability to negotiate safe sex are factors responsible for the spread of HIV among this group. Although the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in Thailand has

    declined, the epidemic has moved to the general population, and there is a greater need to match prevention efforts with recent changes in the epidemic.

    USAID pdf document can be found here: http://www.usaid.gov/our_work/global_healt...and_profile.pdf

    You have to understand why they ban these people before you jump up and down

    when they test blood to make sure it is safe they put it in a batch and test several donors at the same time

    if the test comes back taited then they throw the whole lot out

    in some countrys they test 6or 7 at a time

    how many do they test at a time in thialand

    lot of waste



  10. I guess I do not consider the US a "barbarian" country. Takes a lot more to make a barbarian country than having the death penalty. To say that the US should be considered a barbarian country like Saudi Arabia, Iraq and Iran is just a slam on the US.


    you sound like a one eye person that can see no wrong

    usa is barbarick as that is the way people are treated there they have the dearh sentence and people suport it

    but as a person that visits that country and when i was lost was dragged from the car and throwen to the ground with a gun in my head

    and when it was all over and it settled down I asked whitch way I had to go I was told that he wasnt a f,,,,,en road map and drove of with out so much as kiss my ass

    if it such a good place why leave it

    dont be one eyed

  11. every day at about 6pm internet drops out

    we live in nong nakum out side udon thani

    and every day at about 6>6.30 pm the internet drops out

    we have ADSL spoke to TOT and they will not have a bar of it and told me that it was my router

    then told me I didnt know what I was doing spoke with others and they seem to believe TOT and spent money to have there coputers fixed to no avail

    I just give up

    but still pay every month as it cost me more to get out of contract

    just hope it gets better

    any thoughts

    thanks peter

  12. I have the router set up to "connect automatically as required" it is the same make of router and computer that I use in the UK in the UK the router stays connected for months without needing to be reconnected I was just wondering if it should be the same in Thailand

    I live in nong nakum out side udon thani I have adsl and at about 6pm every day my internet drops out I have had stories that the cable has been cut to the fact that my router is no good to I dont know what i am doing

    never the problem of tot any thoughts on this

    I know it is a problem with tot as other people in the village have the same problem but accept that it is there computer problem and not tot

  13. didnt they just pocket, err i mean spend, 70 million baht to restart dmk ? :o

    One or two airports

    it doesn't matter but just get it right on how to get from one to the other

    caught the bus from S to DM and bus driver to my self and my thia wife that he could nly drop us at train station and we had to walk over the over head bridge to get to the domestic airport

    we new it had been closed since airport closed

    only in thialand

  14. I dont sound critical but why dont you look at farming 5 rai and teach your family to grow quality produce and look at a export market small crops are hard work but the returns are great

    plus you dont wait 12months for a return

    there are some great markets around

    I used to earn one million dollars of 10 acres

    and export to new zealand /singapore

    if you want to know more will inform you further

  15. ratcatcher you made a good point but you missed the point look at the chain of resonsibility the parents are just as much to blame as the owners of the park

    trust me I dont condone what happened but people need to take more responsibilty for there actions

    when they do things will sadly start to turn around and become westernised

    not a good thing but if they mean to inprove there life style it must happen :(

  16. Mason 45

    I know how you feel not every one wants to come and live in australia

    like you I travel back and forward to au and had the same thing put to me but I spoke with head bloke and explained and he was very understanding and we are entitled to tourist visas for our wives

    she is a tourist not a permament visitor

    as long as she doesnt break any rules she is fine

    if she was a celb she would not be chalenged but every one assumes just a poor farm girl looking for money

    happieness does not come in to the picture

    good luck and happy new year

  17. are we not lucky that we dont have to sit a exam to speak thai before we are allowed to live in thailand

    my wife can not speak english and I cant speak thai but we are happly married and have been for a long time and live in a situation where we are together twenty four hours a day

    I am a truck driver and she travel with me all over australia

    no it is just more gov. bull shit

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