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Everything posted by ullman
Joe Biden’s latest gaffe plays right into Republicans’ hands
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
bidens gaffs just bring more votes home for GOP The problem is that when he's replaced after midterms the replacement is as stupid or worse, be sure to reference Kamalas recent gaff reference to NK! You need a leader that is not cognitively impaired to FIX bidens destruction and address foreign affairs with results that benefit America. Trump did this, and gained respect worldwide! Biden is laughed at worldwide as is kamala! Great legacy here, of incompetence and total humiliation for America! -
Joe Biden’s latest gaffe plays right into Republicans’ hands
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
nah, he's in a world of control including the GOP, the powerful MAGA movement. There is nothing on the books including J6, the MAL records dispute that will slow Trump down. His popularity is growing stronger day by day. The deep state are getting run over by MAGA momentum. November midterms is the beginning of the end for bidenites and the laughable party they have. -
Joe Biden’s latest gaffe plays right into Republicans’ hands
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
No, he was not. He was off script and displaying his typical & frequent cognitive failures. His press sec confirmed there was no mistakes on the teleprompter. He gaffed, end of story. Nobody is responsible except Biden. -
Joe Biden’s latest gaffe plays right into Republicans’ hands
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
Biden is the only one that messed up, as usual and everyone knows this as it has become Biden trademark behavior and normal now. Nothing to see here, except a sick old man making a fool of himself. Should not be allowed to continue. "When CNN’s Phil Mattingly pressed Jean-Pierre about why the President was looking for the deceased congresswoman at the conference, the press secretary said, “I don’t think it’s all that unusual to have someone top of mind, especially as there’s a big event.” She denied that the President was confused or that there was something mistakenly on the teleprompter https://edition.cnn.com/2022/09/28/politics/biden-jackie-walorski-hunger-conference/index.html Video excerpts REPORTER: "The confusing part is why, if she and the family is top of mind, does the president think that she's living and in the room?" KJP: "I don't find that confusing." R: "I have John Lennon top of mind just about every day but I'm not looking around for him anywhere." Biden made a statement of Walorski's passing August 3, and totally forgot. WH Brief-Biden/Walorski death KJP-farcical liar..mp4 -
Majority of Americans concerned about Biden’s mental health: new poll
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
Biden is a president for all people including the dead people. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/joe-biden/biden-asks-deceased-congresswoman-present-white-house-event-rcna49898 -
Criminal charges? What could they be? There are no criminal statutes associated with the Presidential Records Act, and the current records dispute between NARA and Trump don't constitute crimes if you were aware of court ruling, Navy vs Egan in particular. But maybe you can elaborate what criminal statues Trump has violated and what possibly could be responsible for the 20 month delay in these so called criminal activities by the former president? All this is very peculiar indeed, especially all the delays, the timing. the illegal DOJ leaks of "nuclear secrets". It amounts the a big nothing burger lame attempt to stop Trump again, illegally at that. Fulton county is a nothing burger, J6 is now postponed, Even the ludicrous civil suit against the Trumps will go no where excep into the round file. In summation, if and when GOP assume congress, the landscape shifts and the GOP pit bulls will engage and expose the real crimes of the current admin and Biden's corrupt DOJ. And the FBI whistleblowers, no less than 20 on record to date, some curiously contentious declassified Crossfire hurricane documents somewhere in the middle of the DOJ fiasco and MAL raid. Just some idle speculation, but remember when Trump declassified the fake Russia hoax documents and records....? You do remember? It's all bad news but the good news it puts Biden Clinton, FBI and so many others up the creek without a paddle. Trump is a little crazy at times, but he was smart enough to beat HRC, fix America and DECLASSIFY the very docs used to frame him. He was president with full plenary power to do so. They got <deleted> on Trump, after 5 years of their abuse he's more popular than ever.
Thats great news, Vote Trump. PS: hows Biden polling these days? When he's not trying to talk with dead people. "President Biden asked for the late Rep. Jackie Walorski to identify herself at a Washington event Wednesday, forgetting that the Indiana Republican died in a car crash last month." https://nypost.com/2022/09/28/biden-asks-dead-rep-jackie-walorski-to-identify-herself-in-crowd/
Here's a recent takeaway: Trump Suffers Zero Electoral Fallout From FBI’s Mar-A-Lago Raid: I&I/TIPP Poll According to the highly reputable and accurate I&I/TIPP, Trump has lost not a whit of popularity with Republican voters since the FBI raid. In fact, he's actually gained. https://issuesinsights.com/2022/09/28/trump-suffers-zero-electoral-fallout-from-fbis-mar-a-lago-raid-ii-tipp-poll/ *Trump/MAGA
Majority of Americans concerned about Biden’s mental health: new poll
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
What you suppose is gonna be the big indictment that takes down Trump..? Some non criminal PRA misdemeanor records mismanagement dispute with NARA? Have you thought this thru carefully and analytically? The deep state had persisted for 6 years trying laughingly to get a gotcha on Trump. The very real next gotcha is the immensely popular and powerful MAGA leader as your next president. That is what EVERYONE fears especially those here. Try to articulate what indictments you expect for the orange man, betcha you can list one and I'm not surprised. -
The surprising details behind DeSantis’ and Abbott’s immigration stunts
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
The Democrat sheriff in San Antonio opened a criminal probe on another state’s governor for flying migrants to a third state. And he admitted at his televised news conference he didn’t know any potential (predicate) crimes that were violated. AG Garland, FBI raids, special counsel! Or maybe the obvious solution is to enforce border security and prevent illegal immigration. Liberals are the problem. Source: AP News -
You people here actually expect Trump to be indicted for a doc dispute? If you do, you are clearly deluded. But, despite the questionable leaks to WAPO, what and where does a state or fed prosecutor take this silly doc dispute? The nuclear codes leak, where's the evidence, somewhere in the 22 pages of redactions in the affidavit? I doubt it. And since the NARA dispute was about Trump having the cited docs in his possession, now that they have been taken during the raid, in possesion of the DOJ, or government whats all the fuss about now? This is nothing more than a stunt to distract Americans from Biden and his disaster admin and the out of control problems plaguing America in hopes of curtailing the blowout elections loses they face in November.
Seems like Biden authorized the FBI back in May to go after Trump. This alone is enough to seal Biden's fate. Biden can look forward to intense scrutiny and investigation of himself and his crime family very soon and we can expect to see a lot of Jim Jordan front and center who has "plans" for Biden. J6/Fulton Co., MaL, etc. NOTHING Burgers par usual. https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763/gov.uscourts.flsd.618763.64.0.pdf
Sounds a tad serious, well at least it is a serious leak to the WaPo by the desprate DoJ & FBI. There is no such evidence of this and only a fool would get sucked in by the illegal leaks. But, if it was so serious, and there was evidence, then Trump would be probably indicted and the fantastical fake news leaking aphrodisiac would end much to your disappointment. Nobody investigating a past president for alleged serious behavior and has a strong case needs to leak outrageous claims of nuclear docs. The factual info details the personal health and tax records, photos, items of clothing, searching his son's and wife's belongings is more in line with reality. Biden's game is imploding, his DOJ and FBI are two or more steps behind Trump as usual. The master process may take some time to conclude and it's likely Trump will be back in the WH before the real truth and facts are revealed about the MAL gong show. Tough luck, MAGA is revered by American's and it shows, just ask Joe about his recent rally in WB-PA.
Democrats' desire to get rid of Joe Biden is almost unprecedented (Update) Blake makes a convincing case that Democrats’ desire to be rid of Joe Biden may be unprecedented, at least since Jimmy Carter. Check the data in the chart. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2022/07/12/democrats-desire-turn-page-biden-2024-is-highly-unusual/ Biden, there is no more prolific loser and fraud in American politics. He's dumb, incapable and he is destroying America, and NOBODY likes him or wants him now. Go ahead, ask yourself why, and then ask yourself why you voted for Biden and this mess you are in now. You are better now than you were 2 years ago...? This is what voters will confront when they vote in November. Biden and his corrupt moron handlers are done. https://hotair.com/john-s-2/2022/07/12/democrats-desire-to-get-rid-of-joe-biden-is-almost-unprecedented-n482212
Another desperate attempt to divert attention away from the disaster of the Biden admin. Talk about anything but the problems voters are focused on in inflation hobbled America with out of control crime, illegal immigration, fentanyl deaths, energy disaster, Another desperate attempt to false flag Americans into violence to hopefully win votes. MAGA is having a good laugh now, check out the recent rally's in PA, Biden humiliated himself and American's as usual. The dumb libs are stoking Trump and MAGA popularity into a huge win in November. Thanks Joe, ya fool!
Trump asks for a 'special master' to review Mar-a-Lago evidence
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
The raid on Mar-a-Lago could shake America’s foundations It has already given Donald Trump a boost https://www.economist.com/united-states/2022/08/10/the-raid-on-mar-a-lago-could-shake-americas-foundations The MAGA dynasty is in the growing stages, gathering momentum. -
Ok boss. WASHINGTON SECRETS Majority see FBI as Biden’s 'personal Gestapo' after Trump raid https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/washington-secrets/majority-see-fbi-as-bidens-personal-gestapo-after-trump-raid More Republicans Have 'Very Favorable' View of Trump After FBI Raid: Poll https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/more-republicans-have-very-favorable-view-of-trump-after-fbi-raid-poll/ar-AA10Qf1S Trump widens GOP lead after Mar-a-Lago raid: Poll https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2022/aug/15/trump-widens-gop-lead-after-mar-lago-raid-poll/ Trump is iconic, bullet proof and your next POTUS.
Half of GOP Voters Ready to Leave Trump Behind, Poll Finds
ullman replied to Scott's topic in World News
Looks like Trump MAGA's poularity is trending North despite the lefts benign attempts to topple it. CNN, in a rare moment of journalistic honesty and integrity, reported: “Donald Trump has become more popular since the January 6 Capitol attack.” How could this be? CNN notes, A majority of Americans (55%) now believe that Trump was either not or only partially responsible for the rioters who overtook the Capitol, according to a recent NBC News poll. That's up from 47% in January 2021. Today, Trump's polling position with Americans overall is one of his best, and he remains the front-runner for the 2024 Republican nomination. In raw numbers, Trump's been ahead in more polls against Biden over the past few months than he was for the entirety of 2020. PS: the yahoo link to the post is dead. https://www.yahoo.com/news/half-gop-voters-ready-leave-113731959.html -
U sure he appointed Garland? You are confused, wrong, but never mind (yeah, you're being laughed at here), the bigger issue is If Trump is a hero, half of America and even the free world would agree with you, but in your case the unheroic incompetent Biden is a failure, but to each is own to you and all the Biden worshipers.