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Everything posted by OverUnder

  1. A review without a source is an utter waste of time. e.g. I had a fantastic $10 hamburger yesterday. Wonderful, beefy, very well prepared. No I will not tell you where I purchased it, or even show you a picture of it. Just search for burgers on twitter.
  2. Almost certainly a scam. The pictures are literally stock images. https://68.media.tumblr.com/6facdfa4fdda832c8b6e78eb876b64ca/tumblr_ou0l8vcOu51vxwewho1_1280.jpg https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/marijuana-fruit-cones-psychoactive-cannabis-agent-1645657315
  3. Solvents exist. The paint on your walls is also a solid - after the solvents evaporate.
  4. Latex from the opium poppy is not a thick black tarry substance. Also, solvents like ethanol can very easily be used to thin down other products.
  5. There's a lot of value in having a source you know and trust - especially if it's costing less than 500 baht per month. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush and all that.
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