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Everything posted by JamesR7

  1. I do wish this was a wind up! Alas... it's not and a real post.
  2. Thank you for your offer of help. She is from the south, near Malaysian borders in Hat Yai. She she used to go to snake temples at Nakhon Si Thammarat, and prey at temples where they had statues of mummified people and so on. She was also in to hindu gods, like Kali. This may seem funny to some, but I'm on a trip in London right now, and I've had TV turn on by itself, ipad starting to stream last played song and mouse cursor move myself all in the last few days. None of this has ever happened to be before, let alone all three around the same time.
  3. I need help please - without being judgemental. I realise most of this forum is from the 'western' mindset - and so am I... though I Asian roots and have become more spiritual as years have gone by. Abridged version follows.. I was dating someone in Thailand 3 years ago. I was looking for a long term relationship, and open with her about having kids/ex and even gave her 'hand me down' clothes from my family. After about 6 months after I realised we were not compatible and ended it (she was still chatting to other guys on Thai Friendly etc and more interested in my financial status and not me). After we broke up, she emailed a a few months later to speak.. I called her promptly as it seemed urgent. During this call, she accused me of doing black magic on her to make her feel low as she had visited an old woman who lives with snakes in a hill to find out why she was feeling low (and to be honest I didn't believe in these things back then let alone how to do it!). I clearly said no and we parted ways. Things went quiet and I had moved on and I got back together with my ex and moved to Singapore. However, a few months ago I started receiving some disturbing ghostly/scary images from an Facebook account with some of the photos we took back when I was with her. It seems she is on a mission to hurt me somehow. Ever since then, I have started to feel down, really bad nightmares, anxious (and I'm not an anxious person by nature), loss of sleep, and noticeable loss of weight and hair! And now my son, who's 9 is experiencing fever for weeks without any explanation from 'western' medicine. Bloods are all ok, but it seems his immune system is weakened. And coincidentally, he fell ill first the a day after I received the first facebook image from this account with a photo of this girl with a hand me down toy I gave her when I was dating her. I wonder if anyone can guide me on getting some protection (I know I know.. most of you guys are shaking your heads on this ask.. but I feel this things is real, as it's also affecting my kids who keep falling sick without any reason in the last few months. So, please - without judgement... please has anyone experienced being under 'black magic' and how to protect me and my family? Please, without judgement or snarky comment, any help or guidance would be appreciated. Please!
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