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Everything posted by aseanfan

  1. Where is the analysis of what is polluting the air??? At 6am this morning where I live in Bangkok the sky was blue and clear - then the planes dropped some stuff and left a cross in the sky. That then drifted and expanded and the clouds came. Look to the skies for what is happening perhaps?
  2. Please - enough already. This is not hot. It is normal. This author is totally misinformed. If you are a newbie to the tropics - welcome to a lovely climate that is hot - I came here to escape the dismal climate of the majority of Europe
  3. Maybe the headline does not match the content. The reality is that Thais are buying condos and that all foreigners are a very small percentage based on the seriously dodgy data in this article. Who in ThaiVisa - sorry, AseanNow ( that reports virtully no Asean news) is writing this misinformation and what country are they influenced by?
  4. Is the author who loves the expression 'soaring temperatures' from a cold climate? This is normal weather and temperature for the tropics, is it not? Certainly it seems normal to me based on the last 20 years that I have lived here.
  5. Since when has 37C in Thailand been scorching heat - it is totally normal.
  6. I live in Bangkok. There is no smell of burning and no mysterious smog. Who is writing this 'news''?
  7. I live in Bangkok. Yesterday we had 3 hours of rain in the morning. There was no smell of smoke. And the air quality seemed to be OK.
  8. Where is the analysis of the pollution? That would then lead to the culprits, no? I've been in Bangkok for the last 8 months and there seems to be no issue at all with pollutionmthat I can see, nor smell or taste....
  9. What is the analysis of the 'pollution' in the air? I don't think it has anything to do with 'burning' or cars, trucks and busses. Today in Bangkok, we had a 3 hour rain storm early in the morning - but the online weather forecast showed sunny conditions with zero chance of rain... What is going on? Look up and see the trails for an answer. I flew domestically a couple of days ago - no sign of burning, BUT there was a layer of fug that the plane bounced over at about 15,000 feet. Why and what is going on? I've been in Thailand for 20 years, and silver skies were not normal for many of those years....
  10. Does anyone here know where I can find an analysis of what these particles in the air are? I have seen mention in articles that the pollution comes from diesel engines, from black smoke from vehicles, from stubble burning, from building sites...What is the truth? I saw mention that the Air Force is going to spray from planes to make rain to 'wash' the particles out of the air. And then where do those particles go? Into the water table? And what is being sprayed from these planes? Is that the cause of the air pollution? So I go back to my initial question? Where is the analysis of what the particles are? Once the particles are known efforts can be made to find the source and to prevent distribution at source, maybe...
  11. What are these conduits? This one looks identical to the one in Sukhumvit Road near True Digital Park. The article is certainly incorrect since the depth of the hole is more than 50 cm deep - on fact it looks bottomless! Also there is no sign of electrical cables...and it certainly does not look temporary in any way. Has anyone noticed these huge concrete rings being installed? The operation must require a huge mobile crane.
  12. Just what dust are they predicting and from where? What makes up this dust? Where is the chemical analysis? Oh, and it has rained, so did the dust get washed away - so now it is river and sea pollution?
  13. Photos I took a few hours ago of the concrete ringed hole under the 'temporary concrete slab'
  14. Correct - that is on Sukhumivit Road by True Digital Park - I was there and saw it all...very impressed at how they managed to get two huge cranes in place so quickly to rescue the truck that was about to descend into the depths of the man made concrete ringed tube descending to who knows where.
  15. Correct. I was there and looked down. There was a huge deep circular concrete ring below what looked like a temporary road structure covering it.
  16. Is there any analysis of what these particles are? And where do they come from? Is a clue maybe in those unusual clouds in the photo? Why often is the Thai sky silver? Is it just me that has observed that before 2016 the sky was blue with puffy white clouds?
  17. Who paid off the national debt? Why was that important? What is the national debt now? Why is that important? Why does no one ask these questions?
  18. Go outside. Breathe. Is there a problem? If you start to cough and choke, then there is... If not - this is another narrative... Ask yourself why? Who benefits?
  19. I would love to see some real investigative reporting on the sensational nature of the weather reporting this year. I would like to see a comparison with previous years. I have been in Thailand for 20 years and the weather is just the same as every other year. Tropical rainstorms will happen when a country is situated in the tropics, do they not?
  20. I've been out and about every day for the last 3 months in Bangkok. I notice absolutely no difference in air quality, no irritation, no coughing and I wonder what the backstory is on this?
  21. Perhaps the English language needs a total overhaul first? A good start would be to remove all the words that sound the same but are spelt differently and remove all the words that are spelt differently but are pronounced the same. Then remove all the words that sound the same but have different meanings. Finally simplify the grammar, removing words that are spelt totally differently based on tense. Of course there are many more inconsistencies in the language that need tidying up as well...
  22. Why is influenza lumped in with pneumonia in the statistics? It's labeled as P&I for those who don't know. Perhaps, influenza is not differentiated in its symptoms from pneumonia? And perhaps, just perhaps, there is no differentiation with CV19? Perhaps that was why influenza disappeared in the first year of CV19 and that was why the same number of people died from CV19 in the first year as P&I the previous year?
  23. That photo looks like the skyline when it is raining. And today in central Bangkok it poured down - so no dust problem at all. What is it with dust pollution? Even in Buriram they have a 'detector' sign up in the centre of the town. Are they suggesting that the lung issues are to do with dust rather than the obvious reason?
  24. Perhaps 'popularists' should ask for a review?
  25. Same same 20 years ago when I lived there. Then I remember a desalination plant being installed. Plenty of other alternative water creation technologies available too. How many residences do the basics of storing rain water?
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