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Everything posted by Jonesy456

  1. Thanks for the replies, everyone. Food for thought and I'll get in contact with the recommended lawyers and see what happens from there.
  2. Thanks. Nothing else happened - I was calm and polite throughout and it was for personal use. To meet me I expect you wouldn't think I'd been on the wrong side of the law or even that I like a smoke. Wife and kids can go and have but the kids are still very young so miss their Dad while Mum has her hands full looking after them alone. Kids have UK and Thai passports. Wife took it really well considering she had to sell / pack up everything alone while looking after small children while I applied for her UK visa. We have a good life here so she's not desperate to move back or anything but would like to visit more often and have me there to help with the kids etc. Changing passport etc won't work as my finger prints are in the system. I actually changed my passport anyway before trying to go back before just because I didn't want the deportation stamps for all to see but was pulled aside when scanning my fingers.
  3. The lawyer I used before I was not very impressed with so I got in contact with another firm I found on the internet. They were confident they could overturn it but quoted me 800k baht which is way more than I'd like to spend (Particularly with a lawyer I know nothing of other than an internet search). This was very shortly after the law had changed though. I was hoping maybe someone else might have been through something similar and be able to recommend a good lawyer at a more reasonable price.
  4. There wasn't any mention of it in my passport. I tried to fly back a month after I was deported and wasn't allowed in. It was then I was told I was blacklisted and for how long. I then had a lawyer speak to immigration who confirmed it. The lawyer was extremely surprised I was blacklisted for so long for such a small thing saying that long would normally be for murderers etc but it is what it is.
  5. I lived in Thailand with my Thai wife and our 2 children up until 2018 when I was caught with some cannabis. Court fined me 4000 baht but Immigration deported me and told me I'm blacklisted fro 100 years. Now we live back in the UK. Since the law on cannabis has now changed in Thailand would it be possible to be removed from the blacklist? And if so how would I go about this? I'd really like to be able to travel with my kids back to Thailand sometime. They are half Thai after all and shouldn't be denied knowing that side of their family and culture because of my mistake. Thanks for your help and advice.
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