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Gluuay yai

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Everything posted by Gluuay yai

  1. Correct mostly because Buddha isnt a god. Buddhism isnt a religion. Thais practice a hodge podge of buddhism, animism, magic and who knows what else. Oh and most importantly my post wasnt to be taken at all in any way seriously, and up to Buddha has as much theological weight as up to you or money number one. Keep this just between you and me nothing is actually "up to Buddha" its just a saying. ????
  2. You clearly do not understand the basic principles of Thailand.....EVERYTHING up to Buddha.
  3. Yes keep the sweat shops running there's no way these companies could afford to pay people a living wage.
  4. So all the factory workers can move up to senior management positions can they? Maybe ALL the factory workers could become CEO's or CFO's.
  5. Sorry I should have put a laugh emoji so you realised it was a joke.......
  6. All good some of those rural thai women are fairly robust. Lol.
  7. So they topped up her life sentence will she be serving that before or after her death sentence?
  8. They can change whatever they want at this point the genie is out of the bottle. All those fb, line, whatsapp etc 420 shops won't be putting themselves out of business. Be smart buy online, smoke at home nothing will happen.
  9. So Anutin vs. 3 political parties ..hmmmm. wonder how that one pans out?
  10. That "guy" is a woman .
  11. Person Woman Man Camera TV..... see im a genius, a very stable genius some people say maybe the world's greatest. Nobody can do it. It's Amazing how good I am. ????
  12. Yep and the fact that it just happened twice with the last 2 morons seems the proof is in the pudding.
  13. Yep second this recommendation
  14. If that was the line up it would be a good investment. The way pattaya going these days you would waste all that money on a bunch of porky, tatted up skanks.
  15. Im also on team moka pot. But if you gonna splash out delonghi make excellent machines bean to cup. Easily maintained and cleaned and a reasonable price point at @20k baht
  16. Legit Bayer is everywhere up to 350 baht for a single ml. Your not looking in the right places.
  17. Now if only there was surf.
  18. Just Mediocre to low level tin foil hat conspiracy nut I guess? You would have to start what is the least ridiculous Qanon belief I guess and go from there lol. The fact that he would even make a statement like that pretty much tells you all you need to know IMHO. ????
  19. Im lucky in that I have a well paying job but when I started it, it certainly wasn't. I did it for the lifestyle the freedom and the time off. Having said that money has never been important to me. I grew up really poor (1st world poor not rural Thailand poor) So I have always been frugal. If I had 20 dollars a week or could live on that if I had 200 I would live on that. My only concern money wise now is to ensure my daughters get the best education they can. I honestly want for nothing. The comparison I would make is that some of my in laws are subsistence farmers they have a roof over their head, food in their bellies and not much else yet the are some of the most content, happiest, generous people I have ever encountered.
  20. A tool to attack trump? You've got to be kidding. Q is almost his baby. He constantly endorses it. If he was such a great guy he would be telling nutcases to drop off or not believe in Q conspiracies.
  21. Ns the consiglieres made considerably more than that meagre sum
  22. Plus being able to fly from Suvarnabhumi is a massive plus for me.
  23. Thats not a skinhead. Similar to the old high and tight.
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