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Everything posted by Phedba

  1. Politics throughout the world seem more & more fouled with corruption & self serving egos. Even in my home country I feel outraged and nauseated, but like the people of Thailand am plagued with (E.g., "what can I do" or "my vote doesn't count"). Our race seems to be at catastrophic crossroads.
  2. Politics throughout the world seem more & more fouled with corruption & self serving egos. Even in my home country I feel outraged and nauseated, but like the people of Thailand am plagued with (E.g., "what can I do" or "my vote doesn't count"). Our race seems to be at catastrophic crossroads.
  3. Thanks regarding the Zen Duo's, a bit hard to find at this point.
  4. Just did a transfer US to BB this morning. Stated the money would be in BB the 13th. I agree they're using the cash;-(
  5. Now that's a beast! I've been poking around and believe InvadeIT has that model. I'll check with some brick & mortar shops up here, which I'd rather make a purchase like that from. Thank you for the heads up Ukrules.
  6. You're saying look for these specs in any laptop that has the ability to run an external monitor? Having another window open on an external monitor would be a dream! Any suggestions on reputable places to shop in the north? Thanks
  7. Good day all! Could I get any suggestions on a laptop (Windows) purchase specifically for trading? I'm in Chiang Mai and preferably would like to purchase at a brick & mortar shop should there be any issues after purchase; however, I'd buy online also if it's a reputable store that would stand behind what they sell. Although rare, I've been burned buying through Shopee, and disappointed a few times from Lazada. I trade in the US markets and use a couple different platforms (demanding performance). With a few windows open my current laptop is far to slow, even with a ram & hard-drive upgrade. I would love a desk-top but occasionally am on the road so the mobility thing is significant. Thank you for any suggestions!
  8. Good day all! Could I get some suggestions on a laptop (Windows) purchase specifically for trading? I'm in Chiang Mai and preferably would like to purchase at a brick & mortar shop should there be any issues after purchase; however, I'd buy online also if it's a reputable store that would stand behind what they sell. Although rare, I've been burned buying through Shopee, and disappointed a few times from Lazada. I trade in the US markets and use a couple different platforms (demanding performance). With a few windows open my current laptop is far to slow, even with a ram & hard-drive upgrade. Technology has come a long way. I would love a desk-top but occasionally am on the road so the mobility thing is significant. I'll post on the computer forum also, if there is one. Thank you for any suggestions!
  9. Great information & much appreciated!!!
  10. Dakota Post is another option. I pay about $150/year, depending on how much I have scanned and emailed. They shred also, everything upon request. I'm not from SD, but use this service because they'll setup what you need to get a license & become a resident. For residency you have to physically be there for 1 day & night. Not for the mail service alone. It's one of the better tax friendly States.
  11. Hello & hope I'm in the right forum regarding this weed guestion. I have this aggressive clover making colonies all over our lawn. They root extraordinarily deep and pulling them out is futile. Would any of you have a suggestion on a weed killer, or similar? Hopefully something that wouldn't wipe out the grass around it. It's amazing how it can find its way several meters away, rapidly expanding new colonies. Thanks for any information!
  12. Oh, they'll come up with something that will blow you away, no doubt.
  13. RIP Innocence. My heart goes out to so many families in sorrow.
  14. Hello, I did a search here but nothing turned up. Also, hope I'm in the right area for this inquiry. We're looking for a skilled cement contractor that works in Lamphun. Someone who puts a compacted base down before the cement, can shudder in straight lines, ect.... If anyone has had good luck with one in the area, please refer. Thank you in advance.
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