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Posts posted by media

  1. I have lived in Pattaya for 5 years and have basically had 5 years or crap internet connections.

    I have spoken to other people and they all seem to feel the same, slow speeds, unreliable service, and absolutely no help when you complain to TOT or other..

    I thought I would open this Topic to let you all have a moan about your internet.

    I understand there was a Cable damaged in that earth quake near Taiwan. I bet TOT loved that cause they finally have a valid excuse they can use for the next 5 years of Cr*p service. They will be using this excuse for a long time you see.

    That cable was supposed to have been fixed within 2 weeks.

    Why dont all fellow Ferang and Thai internet users have a Demonstration outside TOT offices to complain about the last 5 years of poor service. they find it easy to "Bum us off" 1 by 1 if we go to complain, so why dont we all gather together and complain together, this way we only have to go there once this year. instead of each of us having to phone or go down there many times.. Im sure it will gain some media interest the cameras will be there and it will basically shake them up down there.. and embarrass TOT for being so cr*p.

    They are a discrace to Thailand. an embarassment. and they are expensive and give a poor service.

    Whos up for it then?

  2. Hi,

    How do you know that TT&T is doing the service to CAT?

    Is that def true?

    Heres my 3 pennys worth about bandwidth in Pattaya/Thailand:

    It all depends if you really need it or not and if ur prepared to pay for it...

    There is 2 types of service available from all of these service providers.

    1: Home net: Cheaper but not so fast, Lines all full, too many users/ratio on each port, so slow speeds and unrelaible service.

    2: Coperate: A lot more money but faster for sure, eg: 1MB connection 4000 baht... The corperate lines are the same as Home lines, they just charge more and do not over load the port/ratio with so many users.

    The bottom line is that if you really want faster net for home or for business you have to pay for it, you wont get it from a HOME connection apart from the odd rainy day.

    I have not tried C.A.T yet but the word on the street was very positive. (my friend and his sister use it in 2 seperate locations and both swear by it) fast speeds and great service and friendly efficient staff. They also have HOME and corperate lines. If you have got the cash get a coperate line I belive its the fastest internet in pattaya. I belive they have lines in Central pattaya only.. I would be interest to speak to anyone in this forum who has actually got a CAT line NOW and can speak 100% factual about their experiences. by the sounds of it no body has actually got a CAT line installed and using it now.??

  3. Hi guys,

    Rocky i do take your points, I am a great fan of the other restaurants that we have been mentioning for exactly the same reasons as you like them, All i was trying to say was that I think the Manhattans is trying to go above those with something really special. I think i know one of the reasons that the Manhattans is pricey, for one thing in my opinion they have too many staff to pay and another i think is that those high end imported steaks are fortunes to get hold of in Thailand. and BTW no i haven't got shares in the place :o

    I think if they do it well they have got the market cornered because there is nowhere in pattaya to get such good a range of steaks and offer a high end dining experience.

    When I go to the MH i don't go there to eat steak because I don't think of the MH as a great steak restaurant, But I highly rate it for everything else on the menu and think it is a top restaurant at a good price.

    One of the things that I do not agree with about the Manhattans is 10% service charge, I think the Manhattans should re think that bit, because along with their already high prices it makes them look even more expensive.

    I personally think that the Manhattans could re think a few things at this crucial stage.

    I think they could get started first and build up a loyal customer base like the Mata Hari, Keep the prices down to start so that they get the right reputation from the start off.. eg: "Stunning restaurant and lovely Food" instead of "Nice but over priced" Then Once they have built up a very high reputation and got regular customers and a busy business they could increase the prices and get away with it as people will appreciate the Quality more and be prepared to pay more for it.

    But having said all of that I do not have any experience in the restaurant business so my comments are probably complete twaddle.

    Rocky, What advise would you give the Manhattans or what do you think they could do or change to make sure they get off to the right start?


    I Haven't been to the Queens, where is that place? I would like to try it.

  4. Rocky, I read your Post, and I agree Manhattans prices a little high. But come on you cant compare Manhattans with Posidon! its like comparing crazy daves cafe against the continental, they dont compare.

    I also like the Posidon but its a cheap night out. nice restaurant cheap prices. surely you cant say that the food was as nice as Manhattans its not in the same league at all, plus Decor and surroundings have to be taken into account, I heard they spent 25 Million on manhattans i bet they spent less than a million on Posidon :o

    I agree with you Manhattans price was a bit high but I thought the food was better than all of the other restaurants It will be compared to, (MH, Bruno, casa Pasc etc)

    Somethig special is worth paying more for?

  5. I have been to the Manhattans and it was a very nice evening the food was superb and service very good it was like stepping out of pattaya into New York for an evening. I must admit the prices were a little high though.

    I get the impression that they are trying for the top spot of most finest dining establishment in Pattaya? I think it is about time that someone stepped up to the plate and tried to give pattaya some better places to eat out. This restaurant is distinctively high class. I think everyone should try it out before they judge it on price alone.

    I would say it is defiantly the highest class restaurant in pattaya at this time, the food was better than the Mata Hari and the over all feel is more intimate and cosy than anywhere else I have been here.

    It truly was a high class experience so I think people should be prepared to pay more than some of the places it has been compatred with.

    But I agree, price does count, Value for money is important. And I suppose the big question will be "is the high price over other fine dining restaurants in Pattaya be justified?" And will peoples high expectations continue to be met. my over all rating was Excellent I give it the highest rating, I would like to eat there more often if I could afford it but unfortunately I think I will be taking second best (Mata Hari) purely because I can afford to eat there often and think it represents excellent "all round" value for money I think it is a fine dining experience for a very reasonable price but given the choice (If its not me paying) I would choose the Manhattans all day long.

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