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  1. Are you mad? Such nonsense. Maybe your family supported Nevil Chamberlain and wanted to surrender to Hitler? Try researching The "Red Door" plan of 1944.
  2. Strange how treasonous traitors become very anti their once sainted hero just because he decided to put his country first and show/stop the tefft of billions. But, maybe you support millions for hamster cadge fighting in the amazon jungle!!!
  3. The 800,000baht didn't! And, it was the final straw when after 8 years at the same imigration office seeing the same woman said to me when I asked a question replied "it's only 800,000baht". We were back in the uk within 6 months. Best decision!!! However, still waiting on global warming.
  4. That was an assault! Not once but twice. The Thai woman needs arrested and never allowed a taxi licence! "This is my country statement" is a very xenophobic statement. Not a great attitude!
  5. It is when you have saved up for a year or more for in most cases a holiday of a lifetime only to be told no alcohol drink when you sit down for a romantic meal with your loved one!!! It should be upto the person if they want to drink or not. We are not children!!@
  6. The noncence of never being colonised again! Just one word "Japan" and WW2!
  7. Well my wife and I must be some of your idiots as we both ride our big bikes in Thailand. You have to be very careful as you do when riding anywhere and always expect idiots in every vehicle, always wear armour, gloves proper jacket & trousers and helmet! There are some beautiful roads with breath-taking views all over Thailand.
  8. Let me assure you, it is not cheap to travel to Thailand from the uk! For us (family of 4, 2 adults, 16 and 12 year old) just the cost of flights is about £4000 then over £6000 spending money and we have our own house in Thailand! We go for 3 to 4 weeks.
  9. Principles (maybe something some are missing). Lots of big "IF's", with this 300baht payment: if, it realy is an insurance then its really great value for money. If i were still living in Thailand, i would have gladly paid 300 baht each month for insurance cover. However, knowing Thailand a little (probably lived and worked there for 16 years in total), this money will make a select few even richer and never be used on tourists welbeing.
  10. Shocking but i always winder how it took so long to leave? Who administered the beatings? Male or female employer? The naked beatings sound very perverted!
  11. Its a shake down! You must have dared to do a border run without a thai guide/organised border run. Organised runs grease the guards palms so all runs smooth. I had it many years ago but it was the cambodian side. We were taken into a small hut, surounded by about 8 armed police, passports taken and only given back with a 2,000baht donation.... Never again.
  12. The hatred is strong with this one!
  13. Gold is the way to go. Its also good knowing its there in emergencies. But, keep it secure, hidden and very confidential in thailand. Always remember families have been tourtured and killed for less than 200,000baht!!!
  14. Im sure they thought so. Many years ago i had to sort out the refusal of "Bupha" Thailand in covering a friends hospital bill. I went direct to their head office in London and almost as soon as the phone went down Thailand paid the bill. I did the same with a new pickup (2006) but this time Japan got a call. Sometimes you just can't deal with Thailand.
  15. I hate seeing this anti israeli vile and disgusting vemon. These two lads have done nothing I would not have done as a young lad (even now). Friend hospitalised and prevented from seeing him to see if he is ok! Yes i would have pushed my way inside. Have the isreaeli people not suffered enough? They have been very, very restrained in their response, we in the west and America would have flattened the country on day one! Remember 9/11 and the response?
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