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  1. Im sure they thought so. Many years ago i had to sort out the refusal of "Bupha" Thailand in covering a friends hospital bill. I went direct to their head office in London and almost as soon as the phone went down Thailand paid the bill. I did the same with a new pickup (2006) but this time Japan got a call. Sometimes you just can't deal with Thailand.
  2. I hate seeing this anti israeli vile and disgusting vemon. These two lads have done nothing I would not have done as a young lad (even now). Friend hospitalised and prevented from seeing him to see if he is ok! Yes i would have pushed my way inside. Have the isreaeli people not suffered enough? They have been very, very restrained in their response, we in the west and America would have flattened the country on day one! Remember 9/11 and the response?
  3. I tried it for cbt pain relief when i went back to the Uk. It worked but my self rules ie not vaping infront of my children ment i wasnt using it enough and it clogged up all the time. When used properly it is better than smoking the little white cancer sticks. However, people vape the same as one hundred fags a day or more and the "see who can vap the biggest cloud" is killing people. Bubble gum flavour etc should be banned and the only flavour you should get is cigarette flavour or ash tray flavour.
  4. Well things must have changed! Years ago I asked my Thai bank about getting a credit card. Their answer was mental. They said I give them 50,000bht or 100,000baht they keep it with no interest paid and they would give me a credit card with 50,000baht or 100,000baht limit (in esance borrowing my own money and paying interest on it for this pleasure). My Thai wife opened a 50,000baht credit card with zero income but I had to go guarantor! Like I said "mental".
  5. Wow, really? I'm not American and every day I pray for the Dream Team America now has, routing out corruption which is on an industrial scale and putting their own country first. If you honestly think the money was going to aid anyone but the corrupt in your government, I have a beautiful, period bridge over the river Tames for sale?
  6. If that's your take then maybe it's you who should also be deported for your very offensive attitude to foreign tourists which is causing damage to thai tourism!
  7. I watched a documentary about a scam call centre (I think in Pakistan) and all the people around it new about the scam centre, in their community and 100% supported what they were doing. No moral compass, just greed for money. Don't judge people by your own morals because these people have none. They are the scum of the earth and everyone involved should be locked up. They ruin people's lives.
  8. Traveling as a back packer in a country you do not know and not even having a compass, even when every smart phone can down load a compass even Google maps! Heading in the opposit direction even after a few minutes should have jumped out at him. This kid has issues!
  9. I was a qualified English teacher, I taught English literature, language, computer science, science and even PE. I would totally disagree, an English teacher should only speak English to their students and have the ability to xplain in English (I had 3 autistic children in one of my classes). I saw far to often English teachers using their students to learn and practice their Thai and that is not what the children's parents were paying for. I also use the same ethos with my children, I only speak English to them and their mother speaks Thai to them. I now have bilingual children. I was only paid 40,000baht but I wasn't teaching for money to live on just for the pleasure. However, when it became to much of a hassle, I stopped which was after the Mr T. coup. I noticed a change in attitude of schools to native English teachers who were replaced with cheaper Philippine T ing glish teachers. Thailand went from rising English proficiency to the state it is in now. Note: not once did I ever get a work permit from the schools I worked in, it was always "we applying, you get soon"...
  10. The difference is, in other countries prisoners and especially those on remand get treated like humans. Also, when someone breaks immigration rules they go through the legal process while on bail and have the right to appeal. When the court appeals finish and they get deported they are just taken to the airport and put on a flight. 10 days overstay OMG! I've made a mistake and had overstay my visa and just paid a few hundred baht.
  11. Always just before the 10 year limit is reached. I'm starting to think this might be part of the turn a blind eye for a large sum of money.
  12. I never liked Mr T. But I sure enjoyed living in Thailand under his premiership. Life was good for expats. If he can help Thailand then go man go!
  13. I think if they had evidence he would not have got bail, he would of been remanded. In serious cases in the uk its not easy to get bail unless conected to the elite and remember he has been living in Thailand so has foreign connections. I think they have little to no evidence and that is why he got bail. This however doesn't mean he didn't do it but in the same breath it doesn't mean he did.
  14. I like the old trains from Bangkok to Trang. The first class cabins, waiter service, bringing you food to the cabin. And yes, the slow clunking of the rails. Having a drink discreetly taken on board (no more alcohol sales on trains because a member of staff had raped then murdered a young girl). I felt safe and secure watching the world go bye-bye slowly. If the trains become high speed then no more train journeys for me! What could possibly go wrong!!!???

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