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  1. You are obviously blinded by hatred. Reference the accusations of shoot first with drug gangs, I'm sorry but your point is? However, in your clouded view it must be alright to give the order to shoot innocent protesters within a temple? Then hound and persecute a very brave nurse helped thise shot and who witnessed it? I go by life experience and your analogy of things get more expensive! Wow that's a bizzare reason when vehicles were cheaper in Thailand than in the uk by 200% but now they are upto 30% more expensive in Thailand!! The corruption went from a 20% markup to well over 30% to 40% under the Jack boot!!!! You don't seem to have any idea? Look at Japan, look at South Korea and Thailand should be as prosperous but hay ho a few families found their way onto forbs
  2. No! You will find it's 19 years old! 16 and the parents say no or decide they want a money, or the girl has second thoughts a few days later you are in serious trouble.
  3. Why? He was voted in by the people and the "but he was currupt", well not even half as bad as those that stole the country at the end of a gun. I remember my life as an expat under Mr T. and it was good. I also remember the change in atmosphere towards expats under the Jack boot of the generals. Mr T. = High GDP, far higher English competence. The country has regressed and not progressed. It is so sad! Oh as a side note: My Triton 4x4 520,000baht/£11,000 then (over £30k in the uk) now take your pick any vehicle in Thailand is more expensive in Thailand than it is shipped and sold in the UK.
  4. Bizzare! Obviously know nothing as you said but I would question the fools you talk to as their knowledge is also zero. Tanks are filled to pressure. Before you dive you check your pressure gauge and carry out a sniff test of the air for normal scuba then rebreather is a totally different set up but again it is done by pressure and O2 persentage.
  5. You bring up a very good point but it isn't the bends that kills free divers it's drowning! It is very dangerous to free dive especially after doing a scuba dive. There is a condition caused by CO2 in the blood as you rises and come near to the surface, you simply pass-out and breath which = drown. I remember a young newly qualified Dive Master back in early 2000's (Kow Taow). After his first dive he decided to skin dive. We never found his body. All the dive schools sent out their dive boats and qualified divers. I had over 300 dives around Kow Taow i can assure you, crystal blue sea is quite rare and quite ofter vis is only a few metres. Best dive site is or was Sail Rock!
  6. Because they are lazy and stupid. Very recently I was almost scammed out of thousands of £. Luckily my bank had more brains than me and blocked it and also my account. It was a long con/scam, the person gained my confidence over 2 years. Tricked me into a business venture only to find out he had no money and he had set it all up as a con. When I starred to realise (week 2) he was trying to scam me and he tried to take over the business. He was kicked out yesterday and I now have a business which I now know is a little gold mine. Not every con is over the greedy suckers but sometimes it's someone like myself who was trying to help someone, I believed was a friend. 2 years he played me He learnt yesterday I wasn't someone to be crossed.
  7. Do you know anything about dog and breeds? The breed gives the dog traits: working dogs, guard dogs and little toy dogs. For each breed the traits are bred into the line. However, it's then the human who through love, abuse and ignorance cause the problems. The breed that gets hammered all the time American pitbull was once refered to as "The nanny dog" (I believe, it was the original dog breed in Peter pan). It was a dog bread for protection and hunting. This dog is very loving and very, very protective towards what it sees as it's pack. When you get a person who has no idea how to train and socialise a dog you get problems and the bigger the breed the bigger the problems. The fact is toy dogs bite far more people than any other breed group! Abuse in any animal manifests as self protecting aggression.
  8. I'm sorry but why should she have been charged for Thai policy that in principle worked. Thai corruption is not her fault but if so then every top job in Thailand would become a post to prison as the whole system is currupt. Thais just can't help it. The biggest crimes are taking a country at the end of a gun.
  9. Are you crazy! It's always happened. Did you see the size of that so called knife not! It was a sword! Thailand is very dangerous. An innocent person can easily be set apon by a pack of rabit thai men-boys, and beaten, stabed or shot. Why? Because they are jealous, see a slight, bord, drunk, and or robbery.
  10. You need to read some history! Ask yourself why Russians are never taken hostage in the middle east? You will find its because of their response years ago. It involved going after the terrorists male family members and I believe removal of a body part! Their hostages were immediately released. Over millennium it has been shown the only way to deal with terrorists is with terror.
  11. Didn't Mr T. Play golf with the generals just before they stabbed him in the back with a coup?
  12. No! Things have always been very dangerous in Thailand. It's just Farangs look through rose coloured glasses and are oblivious as to what is going on right under their noises.
  13. Are you for real? Thai youths are doing this and worse all the time.
  14. What nasty self abusive narcissists on here. Point one: several security thugs go OTT with a guy having fun. Point two, when was mass beat downs ever acceptable? The poor guy is in intensive care by the looks of the photos and the cowered security guards have chaffed knuckles and maybe a strained ancle from stomping on his head! Use people disgust me! Regardless of where he is from....
  15. No! However, I have had a gun pulled on me for daring to park on a public road that a guy had decided was his. I've had a taxi drive go into his boot to get a weapon but then decided better as I was standing waiting. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean you never will. So tuck yourself in bed with your blankie after bolting all your windows and doors and try and make sure no one becomes jealous of you......

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