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  1. What nasty self abusive narcissists on here. Point one: several security thugs go OTT with a guy having fun. Point two, when was mass beat downs ever acceptable? The poor guy is in intensive care by the looks of the photos and the cowered security guards have chaffed knuckles and maybe a strained ancle from stomping on his head! Use people disgust me! Regardless of where he is from....
  2. No! However, I have had a gun pulled on me for daring to park on a public road that a guy had decided was his. I've had a taxi drive go into his boot to get a weapon but then decided better as I was standing waiting. Just because you haven't experienced it doesn't mean you never will. So tuck yourself in bed with your blankie after bolting all your windows and doors and try and make sure no one becomes jealous of you......
  3. Omg! You just can't help it!!!
  4. If you wear rose coloured glasses and blinkers. Have actually done a visa and 90 day report. Yes Bill's can be cheaper, back to annual visa stress, back to rose coloured glasses, sex "Handsome man" only if you pay which is the same in any country. I found living in Thailand very stressful. The knowledge that your life can change on the whim of a hi so, and regulations are also up to interpretation and constantly changing.
  5. What's with the pirate ship? I've been there, seen it and done it (10 years living in Thailand) and I/we are back in the UK now. Yes in winter it's cold but when you get down to it, the uk has far more to offer. Thailand is great for holiday's and we still have a house there but live full time, no!
  6. Very racist comment. There are plenty of deviant beasts in Thailand who are Thais.
  7. Not a myth, fact and the elite also became very rich over the Vietnam war as America gave Thailand billions over that period "where did it all go"? Not to the Thai people. Soldiers went to Pattaya and officers went to Phuket. That divide still vibrates slightly even to this day. Watered down a bit when the Russians started to appear in numbers ( I noticed this change in about 20012/13).
  8. I think not! I would imagine if you were Jewish you would know your own history, from pre Moses till now. However alas you know nothing. Quite despicable to appropriate just to spread antiseptic hatred! The devil works in the shadow's, doesn't he?
  9. You should learn history! First the history of the whole area, then get to the 7 day war where Israels neighbours tried to whipe them off the map with unprovoked attack. Then try watching this barbaric attack. Never ever for get Germany tried to eradicate the Jews. Then there are the hundreds and sometimes thousands of rockets fired into Israel every day!
  10. When your young you feel invincible! You take chances without thinking. It's called life!
  11. What's that meant to mean? Are you mad? Do you know anything about the state of brittish justice in the uk at the moment? Being white, working class will see you doing 32 months for saying hurty words. At this present time there are white working class political prisoners in British prisons. Grandfather Peter Lynch 61, committed suicide in prison after being sentenced to 2 years and 8 months and his crime: shouting hurty words at the police. The judge branded him far right! Yes he was white!
  12. Why? The people of Thailand voted him into office at the ballot and not at the end of a gun! Thailand prospered GDP 14% +, (64 baht to Stirling pound), English levels in schools was much higher and life was good for expats. Oh and a Triton 4x4 was only £11,000.
  13. Really! Both my wife and I have and ride big bikes in Thailand. You obviously have to be very careful and expect the unexpected as you do in any vehicle in Thailand. I have found great roads and great friends who share our love of two wheels. But suppose in your eyes we are idiots! Better you live your dull, uneventful life hitting keys in you little safe space!
  14. She did nothing wrong. You can not blame her for what others did. The rice pledging scheme in theory was sound and good (Remember Joseph and his technicolour coat) it was the dishonesty of those involved. Plus she did the right thing and called an election but the generals wanted control so rounded up the politicians and held them at gun point. They gave themselves powers that any dictator would dream of, rewrote the constitution and arrested anyone who dared question them. Even removing a brase plack that had been in place for decades. Maybe the question should be "Where did the money go from the sale of the rice?" Also, how can generals become billionaires on a very modest salary?

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