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  1. is that the best you could come up with? Really? hardly worth the effort was it. Nobody said or even tried to imply he was some kind of angel............none of us are. So wind it in you clown and try to actually join in with something pertinent next time.
  2. he was clearly trying to walk away and was prevented from doing so by a number of people. Why they wanted to prevent him from walking away is the salient part to this and is the part that is missing. So we're all left to speculate and create a story. He seems to be asking the mouthy one if she wants his trousers at some point - so something has happened in the build up here.
  3. I think the 26 in & outs preceded the last one........after that she didn't leave for 4 years. hence "overstay".
  4. here's an idea - start a thread on legalising casinos if you want to talk about that
  5. This is not only long overdue but has been in the planning for about a decade. Much work needed doing behind the scenes for it to happen and for the right people to be granted the Licences. The casinos bring with them a dark, seedy side though - at least it will keep BIB busy
  6. if you prefer to continue banging on about the cannabis u-turn there are threads for that.
  7. the place is a bit backward even compared to here but..............away from Manila it is absolutely beautiful and the local females are extremely approachable and accommodating. Literally 100's of get-away spots too with glorious beaches and palm fringed white beaches. Plus, Thailand would still only be a quick flight away if you needed your Thai fix
  8. the law isn't interested in the truth..........it's what you can prove that counts in a court of Law. You cannot just shoot your mouth off and say whatever you want based on nothing more than conjecture and hearsay and gossip - especially if you are a national tv presenter. He should have known better and so should his employers. It isn't peculiar to Thailand either. So the Thai bashing is unnecessary.
  9. it seems to follow you around............perhaps you are the the cause as you are the common denominator in each of these miriad of incidents you have mentioned.
  10. If the presenter cant back up what he has said with actual evidence then absolutely he should be held accountable and taken to court. That would be the case in any country.
  11. you have experienced it personally once..........in how many years? And for that you want to say it is extremely common? Says more about you than you probably realise. I also didn't say that that it didn't happen - I know it does.......occasionally.
  12. one of numerous posibilities. Road rage is not something Thais do generally though so the Brit was possibly mouthing off at the Thai and wasn't watching what he was doing.
  13. the facts are : 99.7% of people were not ever going to die from Covid but the governments made everyone believe if they left their house they could be next. Non-compliance with the preposterous Government imposed restrictions resulted in that individual being denied entry to numerous public spaces and being shunned like a leper. It was disgraceful. The sheeple proved emphatically just how susceptible they are to social engineering ploys.
  14. could not agree more. The hysteria the media created when Covid initially arrived was more dangerous to life and limb than the virus. These covid believers would fit in well with the flat-earthers.
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