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Posts posted by Jackbenimble

  1. 47 minutes ago, Cabradelmar said:

    Thais facilitate creation of nominee company... foreigners get visas, buy land/homes, run businesses... Company gets exposed as illegitimate, foreigners get deported, and Thais keep the  land/property/businesses (seized assets) for themselves. It's a brilliant model... Thais get paid on both ends... Thai citizens and officials collect setup fees, and the seized assets revert back to Thailand - who can sell them a second time. But they (authorities) can't not seem to stop what they claim they don't like 🤔 because they actually like it 🤑🤑🤑 


    in a nutshell. Exactly.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  2. 18 hours ago, bob smith said:

    anyone else had enough of all the silly games here?


    i've got a sack full of cash in the safe that's just collecting dust.


    never been to the Phils but by god them women look amazing.

    friendly too!

    and good english levels.


    temptation is very high at the minute.


    anyone else feeling the same way?



    the place is a bit backward even compared to here but..............away from Manila it is absolutely beautiful and the local females are extremely approachable and accommodating. Literally 100's of get-away spots too with glorious beaches and palm fringed white beaches. Plus, Thailand would still only be a quick flight away if you needed your Thai fix

    • Like 1
  3. 21 hours ago, mfd101 said:

    In a country where the defamation law does not allow 'truth' as a defence?


    Are you that ignorant?

    the law isn't interested in the truth..........it's what you can prove that counts in a court of Law. You cannot just shoot your mouth off and say whatever you want based on nothing more than conjecture and hearsay and gossip - especially if you are a national tv presenter. He should have known better and so should his employers.

    It isn't peculiar to Thailand either. So the Thai bashing is unnecessary. 

    • Sad 1
  4. On 5/25/2024 at 9:48 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:


    More than once, several times in fact, over 34 years here.


    Had a gun waved at me, had a guy on a motorcycle get off and kick my mirror etc. Lost count of the amount of times of aggressive driving. 


    Also saw a taxi driver take an iron bar from his cab and attack a bus driver at 5pm rush hour on Soi 22 in central Bangkok. Bus was full of tourists.


    So yeh, road rage is very common here. 

    it seems to follow you around............perhaps you are the the cause as you are the common denominator in each of these miriad of incidents you have mentioned. 

  5. On 5/23/2024 at 3:02 PM, Mr Meeseeks said:


    Road rage is extremely common in Thailand. 


    I had an older Thai man block my vehicle, get out and try to open my vehicle door before trying to spit in the window, all the while hurling obscenities about foreigners.

    This was just for beeping the horn at him.

    you have experienced it personally once..........in how many years? And for that you want to say it is extremely common? Says more about you than you probably realise.

    I also didn't say that that it didn't happen - I know it does.......occasionally. 

  6. 19 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


    This has to be the oddest report ever...


    The deceased what having a disagreement with another rider (on a samlor) while it was raining, and 'after the samlor' passed him, he lost control and collided with an electricity pole ??


    - Would this mean that they were both riding at speed (relatively at speed) and at the same time they were arguing, and the samlor rider cut him off forcing him off the road ?


    RIP to the Brit... 





    one of numerous posibilities. Road rage is not something Thais do generally though so the Brit was possibly mouthing off at the Thai and wasn't watching what he was doing. 

    • Confused 3
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  7. 18 hours ago, JensenZ said:

    I'm not from the Philippines, but I have lived there for many years.


    Let's not start on English grammar. It's impossible to solve. No one can agree on sentence structure. There are more exceptions than rules in English. Grammar (and spelling) Nazis are a dime a dozen on most forums.


    It's not about how good their English grammar (or spelling) is, but how well they are understood in conversational English.


    Let's take some examples of English dialects that many English speakers (as a first or second language) around the world would have trouble with:


    Geordie, Scouse, Brummie, Cockney, Welsh, Yorkshire, Irish, Scottish, Cheshire, Estuary English, Indian English, South African English...


    Put them in a call centre and see how well they are understood in OTHER countries. American English and its Filipino English derivative are generally the most easily understood dialects.


    You'll note I mentioned Indian English. There would be an endless availability of cheaply hired Indian English speakers, but no one can understand them. The same goes for English speakers in other "cheap labour" countries.



    you have elected to use the different English dialects to support your argument.......and I dont disagree that Scouse, Geordie, etc can sometimes be hard to understand even for other Brits. I was referring to those without a strong dialect though.

    Lets apply dialects to Filipinos too tho in that case.......many there are unable to communicate at all in English and some even struggle to communicate with other filipinos when the many varied dialects are taken into account. BUT, even the ones who can speak English cannot spell and do not know their grammar. 

    You use Call Centres to support your argument too.........you know there is a literacy test to pass before you can work in a call centre and Uni Degrees are required also? 

    I have worked with Filipinos for 17 years and nothing you can say in their defence alters the fact that their spelling and grammar is dreadful. 

    Where I live amazingly they are often hired as classroom assistants and God help those kids in their classes. I wouldn't have one anywhere near my kids.  


    • Haha 2
  8. 17 hours ago, NorthernRyland said:

    Small  number and their tourism dollars will be negated by Thai's coming to work illegally.


    Those seeking employment??? this is for tourists not so a Thai can come and work. No idea what you're getting at here.

    I sincerely hope that you do not need to have pointed out the difference between seeking employment and working. The schengen visa is typically a 3 month visa enabling someone to "look" for work. 

    • Thanks 1
  9. 20 hours ago, freeworld said:

    And if the applicant is given the all clear and then comes to Thailand and commits crime? Would that help?


    Banks should be regulated to do more rigorous KYC checks on who they do business with and the nature and legality of the business trading and any suspicious activity should be reported.


    The fact that even tourists and non real resident can open bank accounts in Thailand should be dealt with.


    Check the offshore leaks database, one will find many addresses linked to Thailand.


    you call yourself Freeworld and then suggest placing restrictions on who should and shouldn't be able to open a bank account? Lol.

    • Agree 2
  10. 17 hours ago, JensenZ said:



     Despite your personal feelings about Filipino English, it's easier to understand for most people than many dialects throughout the world, including from the English language's original source in the UK. The purpose of all languages is communication and Filipino English does the job. They are sought after in call centres worldwide because they are easy to understand.

    they're not sought after because of their English..........it's because they're cheap. Their spoken English in general is quite good but their grammar and spelling is atrocious. 

    YOU must be from Philippines to suggest filipinos speak better English than English people lol. 

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  11. 49 minutes ago, NorthernRyland said:

    What does EU gain from this arrangement? Flight risk is high with Thai's and only a small percent could afford to travel in Europe anyways. 

    Thats quite a blinkered viewpoint. Many Thais can afford to travel to Europe. This would benefit those seeking employment too. 

    I would be surprised if it ever came to pass though. 

    • Confused 2
  12. 4 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

    I don't believe it, as several countries will not agree and for visa free entry all Schengen countries have to allow it....

    only the governing body need to approve it.......individual countries can abstain from voting but cannot opt out. 

    I doubt this will happen though tbh, but if it does it will be great news. 

  13. Just now, cjinchiangrai said:

    This is common practice in China. It is annoying when they do it indoors but out on the street, it does not matter. At least she was outside of the temple.


    Arresting toddlers is not going to help security or the tourism industry.

    nobody is suggesting the kid should be arrested? The parents are responsible for everything the kid does anyway because.............he/she is just a kid! What is wrong with people on this thread? 

  14. 2 hours ago, Bday Prang said:

    most civilised societies make allowances for  young children

    most civilised societies would not condone anybody videoing this

    you seem to be being contradictory for the sake of it. I know kids do pee in public - nobody is denying that. The location is the salient point here...........and the lack of parental involvement in what kid is doing. 

    • Like 1
  15. 1 minute ago, hotchilli said:

    The only reason it's unacceptable is that it was witnessed, and shared online, the location was extra outrage.

    Otherwise no-one would know or even care.

    Like the Thai person [male] I saw a few days ago taking a dump behind a tree on a pavement while I was out for an early morning ride.

    I chose to ignore it, not take a photo and post it...  

    he was behind a tree not on the steps of a temple and he was not a foreigner as you stated he was Thai and he was an adult, not a minor. Keep going. 

    • Confused 1
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  16. On 5/8/2024 at 11:36 AM, scorecard said:


    Further, given the total time since the 'accident' and the involvement of many officers, must be several hundred who have been bought in some way. So how could there ever be any successful court action.

    he isn't hiding. He's outside of Thai jurisdiction. What exactly do you expect the Thai police to do? The usual recompense has been paid to the deceaseds surving family which is the way things are settled in Thailand. Whether you agree with the custom or not is irrelevant. 

  17. 2 hours ago, hotchilli said:

    Get a life Thai people, outraged at a young girl needing to urinate... what would you rather, she pee herself.

    When kids have to go.... they have to go.

    Get a life.

    You're missing the point. The location is salient and the fact that the parents clearly seem to let her do this all the time judging by the absence of embarrassment or shame on their part. 

    Peeing in public is not accepted behaviour anywhere that I know of........hence the public indeceny laws that exist. The exception may be China. 

    • Agree 1
  18. 6 hours ago, pomchop said:

    Mr red bull has a very rich well connected daddy to pay off many other rich and well connected people to allow him to never ever be held accountable for killing a cop while all hyped up on coke and driving like a maniac then lying about it all and "hiding" in plain site for years....shame on the entire "justice" system of thailand for allowing this to play out.  Inspector Clousaeu could find him and arrest him in about one day but the entire weight of the thai police and justice system can't find him even though they have been looking for years....yeah right.


    • Agree 1
  19. 22 hours ago, Lacessit said:

    I don't disagree. However, that would probably reduce the profits of the status quo.


    For example, the biggest karaoke/brothel in Chiang Mai is owned by a high police official.

    Legalising it though it would open other income streams for the authorities. That brothel you mention would be able to continue operating but be legal. Tax liabilities come into play but a decent accountant can fix that without too much disruption. 

    The faux shock on here from guys who very likely use these services I might add, is pathetic. Led by the noses by a headline. Doh!

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