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  1. A large portion of the Thai populations (33% of females, and slightly lower for males have genital herpes - just the vast majority are either asymptomatic, or the symptoms are so small they don't get tested). Pattaya though...I'm not about that life.
  2. Thanks. I am actually struggling with it, in my head. I always practiced safe sex this girl was not exactly one you would have assumed would have it either..... I live in a smallish city, where news travels fast - so i'm dealing with how i would disclose.....
  3. Thank you. I'm under the impression that continued herpes suppressants brings the chance of infecting others down to a tiny percentage when used with a condom. Where as condoms alone can still leads to high transmission rates, even when you are not in an outbreak. If I have recurring outbreaks, i will abstain from intercourse at those times.
  4. Hey All, Quick question as the title says. Slept with a girl who is asymptomatic, she did not disclose she had been sleeping with a herpes diagnosed person previously and she thought she didn't have it (But didn't get her blood checked) - her further two boyfriends were also asymptomatic - and they are all just casually bombing around having unprotected sex. I on the other hand am not asymptomatic and want to live a more honest life and stop the spread of infection as much as possible. I went to the clinic, got checked confirmed, Herpes - this was 4 days ago. Since then, i have been on the 5 daily meds i am sure it's some kind of generic of Acyclovir. The clinic were pretty useless in terms of post-diagnosis guidance, they just smiled, asked for some money and sent me on my way. I have since been reading furiously on this disease and have learned a fair bit. It seems the best course of action for me is to continue on with some kind of herpes suppressant - at least for the first year. However, the price of over the counter pills is very expensive. Does anyone know if the medication is available on Social Security in Thailand? Or is everyone just left to their own devices - no wonder 35% of the population has it, if this is the case........ Any guidance much appreciated, still new to this. Thanks,
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