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  1. Hi Dave, well, this is basically what I'm doing: asking those who bought them ???? Anyone not too embarrassed to respond? I'm willing to pay actually. If you are an owner of apartment in Cassia and have one of those quarterly "rental pool returns" documents for 2018, please PM me. I need this to check my agent's words (don't need any personal info, just numbers). I would transfer a few thousand baht as a gesture of gratitude if anyone can help with that.
  2. Leasehold, no guarantees but I was told ~6%/year after expenses, taxes and whatnot (before Covid obviously). Not impressive, but not that bad. Would love to check. @Adumbration, any ideas whom to ask?
  3. Hi, I'm thinking of buying an apartment in Cassia Phuket as an investment. The Cassia hotel would rent it out, manage and so on - for a fee, obviously. They promise that it's a completely hands-free investment, also profitable. I'm not sure if I believe them ???? Any happy owners here? Please share your experience.

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