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  1. I have finished all my 9 Street Maps of Pattaya - Here is 'SOI POTHOLE'..It`s nice to know what goes on down some of the side streets..Beautiful A3 Posters - 150 Baht for Charity..."Toy" from the Orphanage. 'HUMAN HELP NETWORK - Many of you know her. Please read my comments on the other Map before you just Babble away - Thanks..If you don't like my MAPS - please move on.. ( I have 7 other map of interest to show - but If I get negative remarks - I won't bother ) Thanks.
  2. Again read below - The Big Beautiful Coloured poster size is A3 150 Baht - The Smaller A4 Size - is 70 Baht...The Money is going to 'TOY" from ex Pattaya Orphanage with her new venture with the HUMAN HELP NETWORK. And the people who are buying the posters Know !!! It`s the cheapest form of Advertising in Pattaya and it goes to the Good .. For THE MOANERS here - I don't make a PENNY... There is a Great Feeling HELPING People.
  3. Read Below !!!! Thanks.
  4. You have to remember - YOU are not the ONLY PERSON in Town - a lot of these business need all the help they can to promote there place - Hotels - Shops - Massage Parlors - Bars...So instead of Being Negative I am trying to help these people - Business`s Love having my Colourful Maps on their Walls - and On their Phones to show all their Friends and Customers where they are. These Map go all over the World on the internet - and there always New People coming to town that want to explore ... Thanks anyway for your Comment...
  5. Seems I've made a mistake putting my Maps here...Sorry I've upset you.
  6. Really - Having a bit of FUN - Remember what that was like ? Anyway thanks for noticing the Colourful Design.
  7. Finished all my 9 Street Maps of Pattaya - Here is SOI HONEY...It`s nice to know what goes on down some of the side streets..Beautiful A3 Posters - 150 Baht for Charity...Selling like Hot Cakes.
  8. Hi,Guys - For those who want to know what bars are OPEN and what Bars are NOT..Here is the update..Download it onto your Phone and never get lost !!!!
  9. Yea, Johnny - A Mans got to start somewhere.
  10. The rest of Pattaya MAPS can be seen and Downloaded from my Website mikebaird-amusingthaicartoons.com
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