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  1. I would like to enter Laos in Phu Doo or my second option is Vientiane if first one is risky. To make everything 100 percent sure TR VISA in my passport is for Thailand. I am not holding any Laos visa.
  2. Ok, but how about my TR Visa that I’m holding in my passport? my TR is issued by embassy in Europe. I would like to use this one in Phu Doo. Thank you.
  3. @ubonjoe @Crossy thank you for your answers. To clarify: - we entered Thailand and ask for visa exempt stamp (45 days) and we do not want to extend it in immi this time, - we are holding TR single entry visa (60 days) in our passports valid till 27th of December We would like to go to Laos (at the end of November) and the most convenient would be: Phu Doo Border Checkpoint ด่านพรมแดนภูดู่ We expect Immigration officers, if possible, to use our TR visa when coming back the same day to Thailand. Won’t this be a problem? Then we would like to extend it(TR) in immi office after next ~60 days in Thailand. After next 30 days we would like to do another run to get new exempt stamp for 45 days and then extend it in immi for another 30 days. Do you think there will be no issue to do it when crossing land border? Are all plans seams legit? Do you think could be an issue in any step of it?
  4. Hi there and how are you doing? We came to Thailand for few months this time - let’s say to spend European winter here We are holding TR single entry (60 days) visa but we asked Officer on the airport for 45 days VOA (correct naming I guess is: visa exemption stamp). So, our status is: we are in Thailand, we are on 45 VOA, we have our single entry TR (60 days) valid till end of December in our passports. Our plan was to go to Myanmar for some time and then use TR for next entry. What we missed is: we did not know Myanmar borders are closes for foreigners. So our plans has been changed and now we are looking for reasonable solution. And there are some questions: Are Myanmar borders really closed for foreigners? We noticed that easiest way is Laos. Are we right? May we, as foreigners use any of Laos land borders at the moment without any pcr/atk/certificates? What borders, in general, are the easiest to cross having VOA and then go back using TR visa that were issued in Europe? What would be the best option in your opinion? After TR we would like to get one more VOA and then go back Europe.
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