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  1. Yes, I have but I've already served in the Finnish military as conscript since it's compulsory here as well. Would that exempt me from serving in the Thai military? Anyway, I'm not too concerned about it since from what I've heard is that there are ways to get off the hook even if I'm unlucky enough to pick the wrong card. Thank you for your answer. So if it is possible to get it done in Thailand then in my case it would probably be the easiest choice to just travel there with all the documents and not have to go back and forth with the paperwork.
  2. It's odd that they would require that since almost none other embassy will. Problem is that me and my mom are in Finland so it makes it just that bit more complicated that I would be better off to do the whole thing in Thailand of thats possible. Im planning on moving there for a while
  3. Only threads I could find on this subject were like 12 years old so in case the laws regarding this have changed. My situation is that I was born in Finland and have never lived in Thailand, I could get the birth certificate here from Thai Embassy in Finland but one the requirements for them to issue it is that my parents marriage needs to be registered in Thailand as well but currently its not. So in order for me to get the birth certificate here, my mom needs to register their marriage in Thailand. So my question is that is it even possible for me to register my birth in Thailand with the right documents translated from English to Thai and get my birth certificate there without sending the documents back and forth overseas. From what I heard from my mom is that one of her friends's son was able to do all this in Thailand but everywhere I research online they all say that I will need to get my Thai Birth Certificate from the consulate in the country of birth. Thank you in advance for everyone taking the time reply
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