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  1. I have a poll for you to consider: 1. Will Trump be indicted? (for anything, jay-walking, spitting on the sidewalk, insurrection) 2. No Indictment of Trump. Pick 1 or 2. and please indicate what he will be indicted for.
  2. For those critical of Elon Musk look at what he’s done: -Reinstated Trump & others - Released Twitter Files exposing massive gov't election interference - Ended COVID Misinfo rules - Agreed to Twitter Amnesty - Removing CSAM at scale - Fired Activist Executives & non-essential employees And it’s only been a month.
  3. You missed the point. If they need to decide and or vote, it's obviously a sign, a sign that screams NOTHING BURGER. For 6 years the deep state losers have failed to get the MAGA man. If they had ANYTHING on Trump with J6, Mar-a-lago why bring in the biased hack special prosecutor currently convalescing in Europe! They got nothing except wind, and Kinzinger cry-baby tears. If, or when Trump gets to actually defend himself - lots of dirty politicians will be sorry. There won’t be enough workin’ girls and Medellín marching dust in DC to make them forget
  4. You suggesting Biden "tells the truth"?
  5. The big takeaway is that when a leader, or anyone that prefers to incite "conflict" and is perceived as such by the majority over a discussion of the success of their current administrations policies, achievements, successes, etc has obviously nothing positive to share with the electorate and country and have obviously failed, which Biden has done. Why else does Biden insist on his demonization strategy of his political opponents a week before an election.
  6. A recent poll asked respondents, “What is your opinion of President Biden’s recent prime time address to the nation (in Philadelphia-SEPT-1) in which he accused his political opponents of representing ‘an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic’?” Fifty-six percent of the voters said that the speech “represents a dangerous escalation in rhetoric and is designed to incite conflict amongst Americans.” https://www.thetrafalgargroup.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/COSA-Biden-Speech-Full-Report-0905.pdf a good leader would have realized and admitted what the real problems are that plague America and impacts all Americans and then promised to create new and effective policies to curtail them and to improve the economy, crime rates, border security, recession, jobs, gun laws, and so on. To hurl insults and divide people is why Biden and the democrats are going nowhere and making more and worse problems.
  7. Biden is the perfect election campaigner purveyor not for his desperate democratic party but for the surging GOP party. Every time he opens his mouth equates to his seriously eroded popularity and approval and is a huge gift to all things GOP midterms victories. He's his own worse enemy. For a guy who got 81M votes, he sure is desperate with continually threatening, divisivness, demonization of his political opponents and half the electorate and is going to cost him and dems and they will be punished 4 days from now.
  8. Supply is not critical path, there's plenty, refinery capacity is the culprit. KS will supply about 900K barrels, but refineries are 1.3M barrels/day in the hole. At current consumption levels, W/O increasing refinery capacity, there will be upward pressure on downstream prices.
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