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Everything posted by Joeski

  1. From the link it looks like you are limited to only 2 pieces for USA flights.
  2. With the Kerry Service can you insure the items if they are valuable.
  3. On the Airasia website it says you can pay for upto 40Kg of extra baggage which is 1235 Baht if you prepay. Airasia used to have a good online customer services chat facility. Last few times I visited there website this feature wasnt available. Does anyone know if you have 5 bags weighing 8Kg each is okay or is there a limit on the number of bags that can make up the 40Kg.
  4. Lots of posts since my original post. Had a nightmare last night. Only went out for 2 beers in the afternoon and took my bike. You know how it is, 2 beers can turn in 15-20 bottle of beers and quite a few whiskeys in the Land of Smiles and got pulled up by the police on the way home. At least I had my crash helmet on. Got fined 12,000 baht for no driving license and being drunk. They wanted 20,000 but managed to get the fine down to 12,000. Thought it was better to pay the fine than end up down the station. Wont be doing that again in a hurry.
  5. Simon do you class yourself as sensible before or after your mushroom shake?
  6. KhunPer out of all the posts i have read on this forum, this has got to be my favourite. This history of Koh Phangan. Awesome Post!!!
  7. I haven't been to a full moon party before at this time of year and since covid. There is one on the 8th December. How early do I need to get there to make sure I get accommodation. Any info would be great.
  8. 1000 Baht, okay so maybe i paid 500 baht more than I should. The way some posters have got on their high horse you would have thought I just gave them my life savings. 500 bahts a few beers big deal.
  9. brianthainess if Peter Kay retires I think I could make my first Billion Dollars being your manager.
  10. I forgot my international driving license and got pulled up the roadside and got fined 1000 baht. I plan on getting a Thai License, until I get the Thai License is there anything I can do to avoid the 1000 baht fine.
  11. I want to purchase a 5G Portable Router, can anyone recommend a good make and model. I will be mainly based in Rawai in Phuket so need to subscribe to a service with 5G in that area. I am not bothered about costs, willing to pay a premium for a good router and data service so I get a great service. Any help appreciated.
  12. Thanks Buddy for the info.
  13. Thanks Buddy for the info.
  14. simple1 what speeds you getting from the AIS pocket wifi?
  15. An extra 50-100 extra ms isnt a problem as all my orders are limit orders. In an ideal world I wouldnt be using wireless if the property owner who owns the bungalow had a decent broadband service. As I said before I am only there for 30 days so if I can get a good portable service I will go for that option.
  16. I should of included in my original post that I need speeds of 100mps. I will be using the internet connection for daytrading and at the weekend I want to stream live sports. Alot of post are mentioning speeds of 10mps. I am not sure if this will be possible to get 100mps in thailand from a portable router. I havent got a budget so the costs is not a problem if the internet service is good.
  17. khunPer, what internet speed do you normally get with the 4G service and have you got any idea the speeds with the 5G service?
  18. Fdsa, I havent got a budget. I was recommended to purchase the AIS portable router for 3,000 Baht. I am looking to get the best internet service. What is your favourite brand models?
  19. Hi All, Great forum by the way. I have rented a bungalow in Rawai for 1 month and the property owner told me the internet service was good before I booked it. Turns out the internet service is not very good. I am on vacation for 2 months but still need to log in and do 3-4 hours a day work on my laptop. Someone I met recommended getting a portable internet router from AIS for about 3,000 baht. Never used a portable internet router before. Are these any good. If I was staying at the bungalow for longer I would just pay to get this service upgraded.
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