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Everything posted by twchang

  1. so terible, 2 bath increase????????
  2. is better that children take Lao khao !?
  3. Hell. not this person has plenty blood at his hands, and about the satelitt sale to singapore. se drug war and thakbai masakre he deserve jail, he are not a democrat
  4. The " political" power structure in thailand are very very complicated to understand.
  5. Note! The fugetive are stand by in Poi Pet,
  6. gold plated lead ! and syntetisk stones floating, buy safe
  7. l came to thailand in 1975! lam now 73 year old, been stopped by police in routine check, no problem, a scooter drive into my side in the car the driver on brand new bike no license thay beg my to take the blame! l said than no, ! lat this girl pay for everyting ( was a insurance person there) l " instructed" police lat her pay penelty for no licence and helmet!, police at police station was 100% agree l have never ever had trouble with police but not a criminal either!,
  8. I've never heard an alcoholic say I've been drinking????
  9. Pol Gen Surachate "Big Joke" is the "last" honest police if he is not liquidated we will probably see him as police chief in Thailand !
  10. There was e updated law for rent/hire condo implemented for some years ago, l rember deposit only legal for 1 month, but time for rent was also reduced ( so people could move quickly) was it max 3 mont ( correct my if i'm wrong
  11. There are new rules for veryfy the income
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