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Farang Mike

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Everything posted by Farang Mike

  1. Alcohol tests? Haha. Don’t let me laugh. Stats don’t mean anything. You should know, after 17 years, Thai police isn’t the brightest. They care about money.. not about writing down a number for your stats. Also stats would most likely be fake because Thailand can’t lose face. Be safe…
  2. Why does someone have to back this up with stats / evidence? You obviously do not live in Thailand or spent a decent amount of hours behind the wheel at night in Thailand to know that it actually IS like Russian Roulette. Terrible roads everywhere, dogs running around, motorbikes without back lights, drunk drivers. Also, getting a drivers license in Thailand is just as easy as buying a beer. So.. If all that has to be backed up with stats / evidence... then you have no clue ????
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