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Posts posted by glenbat

  1. If you go to Thailand, not just Pattaya, or any other city in most countries and get tanked up and make a pest of yourself and offend or attack the locals, chances are you'll end up getting a kicking. I go Pattaya 2 or 3 tiems a year and see so many drunken, lone billy no mates farang being, well basically <deleted>. Im suprised it doesnt happen more often in fact... bit of luck when he wakes up he'll not do it again in a hurry.

    It'd happen in a lot of English bars/pubs too, so its unfair to blame Pattaya as a place, its just Pattaya seem to be a magnet to these loners who cant handle their drink and feel the need to take on everyone and thier dog

    Som num na

  2. Im arriving in BKK about 10am and will be after an air con bus to kanchanaburi, wheres best to get one? I dont know BKK at all and not sure where my bus from Pattaya arrives (i know not very helpful am I) just wondered ifmost bus stations will have buses to Kanchanaburi every day? And would i buy a return ticket in BKK or buy a single once im at Kchanaburi?

    Wanted to buy ticket in advance from Patts bus station and they said i couldnt do it, have to arrive 30 mis before want to travel on the day

    Any help or advice greatly appreciated

  3. Im off to LOS in 4 weeks time for a month, at present wil lbe between BKK and Pattaya but should I decide once Im there Id like to see Phuket for a week, will it be easy enough to book a flight and hotel while Im in Thailand?

    Unsure if doing it online or going into a travel agency will be better?

    Should I book the hotel before I arrive there, or being low season will it be better to turn up and find one?

    Also, how big an island is Phuket?

    Many thanks in advance

  4. Well the thing is that anyone who has any amount of time in Thailand knows how generally easy going Thai people are. However, like many Asian societies, anger is often bottled-up (and of course the ever present "face" issue) and that uncontrollable anger can be unleashed once the cork is popped.

    The violence you see in Thailand is not random (as it often is in the West). You must do something to piss someone big time for them to come after you physically.

    Therefore, to be the recipient of a sack-full of stones to the back of the head this fella must of done something really stupid (as to cultural phopah) or possibly been in some kind of business dispute.

    Back in my part of farangland, you could be shopping for clothes (5 women gunned down in robbery last week), attending a city council meeting and get killed by some wacko (4-5 people gunned down last week in such a meeting), or just today...be attending college and get gunned down while attending a geology class lecture (6 killed and another 10-15 injured (some seriously) by someone who went postal.

    So if one just minds one's own business you are most likely not to have any serious problems in LOS but often times in farangland, you are just going about your business and get randomly killed :o

    Its too late back in farangland to read through all the posts in this topic but I'm with JonnieBKK on this one, his quote above is spot on

  5. No RIP or condolences to the friends and family of idiots like this driver. Like I always say, evolution is speeded up 2-3 times normal in Thailand (maybe 4-5x in Pattaya) and the weak and weak thinking are quickly weeded out of the the gene pool and precluded from reproducing :o The only saving grace of the story is as others have pointed out he didn't take anyone else with him.

    Im with Jonnie on this one, case of som nam na me thinks

  6. please excuse my simple question but I'm starting from scratch so will be asking some very basic questions over the next few weeks

    I just searched for my name in Thai and came up with เกล็น and have looked through a basic Thai book I have, and the Thai letters (are they called letters?) individually do make up the sound of 'Glen'

    Is this always the case? I cant really explain this too well, but in the English language, the 3 letters C, A, T make up the word cat, and if spoken quickly together do make the sound/word 'cat'

    So if I see one of the 4 characters used in my name in Thai, will they always sound as it does in Glen?

    I hope that makes a little sense :o

  7. I've a friend who is interested in doing some sort of volunteer work in Thailand, preferably with animals. Shes looked on the internet quite a bit but to be honest everything that comes up seems to be 'packages' charging more than a 5* month long holiday would cost :o

    Are there any large schools/sanctuarys (choice of words not great I know) that offer volunteers the ability to turn up and lend a hand, without going through large multinational organisations who probably pocket a large amount of the fee?

    She wants to do up to 2 months initially, preferably with elephants, monkeys or crocodiles :D

    Any advice I can pass on greatly appreciated

  8. cheers everyone, I always fly with EVA air and go economy (pretty sure i've seen the 'Y' on my ticket a couple of times now you mention it)

    5 trips in a year and I still struggle saying goodbye, so am planning next year now... Gotta get a couple of extra nights in in Jennys on Walking Street with Britmaveric :D

    Now I just gotta find a corrupt Thai doctor who can write doc notes in English :o

  9. bit of a random one this, i've got a female friend in thailand (not a bargirl) who's uni educated and her family are very well off. She says she may come to the UK to visit so I joked with her about having a sponsor etc and she said no she was doing it off her own back (with family funding).

    Is this possible? I naturally assumed all or most Thai girls who visit the UK do so with help from this end?

    Or can those more fortunate travel fairly freely?

  10. Slinky I dont think its too soon to get a visa, I know a thai girl (not a bar girl) who met a lad in april and was in the UK for August, it is possible but I'm guessing difficult. She'd been to Aus a couple of times and returned when she promised, so maybe this worked in her favour? no kids and no home to return for so the visa people must of seen something good in her application.

    Slightly off track, what others have said should be thought about and considered though. The thai girl I know used to phone me every other day from australia (on her sponsors phone!) to moan about the weather, the food, the miserable people, no fun, too expensive, no one smiling blah blah... everything. And this is Australia where a lot of Brits wish to live. For that reason I refused to bring her to the UK, because im guessing she'd have even more to moan about.

    Was it your first time in Thailand when you met your girl this year? My first trip last June I met a bargirl on the 1st night, she stopped working for the 3 1/2 weeks I was there, never asked for money, I offered but she refused but I did pay for food, drinks, movies etc and we were inseperable for the whole 24 days. Tears were shed when we said goodbye from both of us the lot. I've been out 4 times since in the last year or so, still see her, she has 2 sponsors now sending her money and we talk openly about it. She's still in Pattaya, doesnt need to work as she has close on £800 sterling coming in each month so she just parties most nights.. I wont go into details but im pretty sure she isnt faithful to her sponsors....

    I fall in love at the drop of a hat and openly admit it, but take a step back and weigh everything up please. Not all bargirls are the same, I know some cracking ones and they've hearts of gold but a lot of the time what they do is a way of life to them.

    I've decided to make my millions (or enoguh to live off), move to thailand then find myself a gorgeous brown lady to settle down with, it is hard saying goodbye every time but its easier to try and forget things when your back home than worry 24/7 til your next holiday 9 or 10 months away. It'll drive you nuts

    Please dont think I'm poo-pooing your idea or your girl in any way,far from it, i'm just offering what advice I can to a fellow Brit. Hope that made some sense as im typing it from work on a night shift at 3.30am

  11. How easy is it to change you flight dates once you've booked and paid for the flight? For example, say you booked a 2 week holiday and while on holiday suffered an injury so you couldnt travel :o and needed to extend your return flight date by 2 or 3 weeks is it possible?

    I've been told theres just an admin fee to pay is this correct?

  12. Reason for banning - too dangerous. (If you drive in any of these countries you would appreciate the degree of danger)

    Such as slamming into a camel thats walking on the road at night as its easier to walk on than in the sand? Saw hundreds of wrecked cars just left at the side of the road around Jeddah and Yanbu as a kid, scary stuff

    How about replacing all 1000cc bikes with camels? :o problem solved

  13. I've rode various bikes in thailand and the level of upkeep/maintenance varies a great deal. Our mopeds we get from an English lad in Soi Dianna Inn are very well maintained, I cant imagine a R1 or Fireblade from beach road being serviced regularly though... :o

    Another note, are superbikes very popular in the Middle East? I dont know of many bikers in the UK who are of Arab descent so wondered if these guys arrive, decide to get the best bike they can and end up splattered a few hours (or minutes) later?

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