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Posts posted by trihent

  1.  Postpartum depression is a likely cause. Its very common but causes new mothers (esp 1st time) to sometimes act very irrationally. Rubbish bin and successful and attempted infanticide are extreme cases. Its a health care problem that has been largely over looked because of women's perceived social status and needs to addressed by the medical / physiological communities in much greater detail then it is currently. Be glad for the child and push for changes to help end the problem.


  2. Tramadol  is indeed an OTC I have been using it for years for a crushed disc in my lower back. Which my local Pharmacy knows full well. I was originally taking it along with diazepam. But when that was removed from the OTC market my pharmacy had to and did stop selling it. Its the largest pharmacy here so I'm absolutely sure Tramadol  is still OTC. Basically because I asked 2 weeks ago. The pharmacy's refusal to sell one and not the other say's loads to me to its honesty. 

  3. As of this morning all of my local shops are still in a state of confusion as to what the various brands of cigarettes are supposed to cost. Wonder cigarettes (my brand) went from 63 baht a pack to 60 baht to as much as 89 baht per pack. The shop farthest from my house owned by a local policeman's family claim the the price went down 3 baht. While the closest one set the price at 70. The other local shops are all over the place in price range and have been changing it every day because the local wholesale folks can't figure out the Thai directives

  4. 2 hours ago, Grumpy Duck said:

    What business does a nurse have operating a clinic without a supervising physician. It is true in many countries trained and licensed nurse practitioners may work as doctors, however as I understand even nurse practitioners are required to work under a physicians supervision. 


    Mostly nurse practitioners work almost independently on a day  to day basis. In Thailand the clinics are overseen by a physician that handles supervising several clinics in a broad area, visiting an individual clinic on a rota system. I suspect clinics in Cambodia work much the same. 

  5. A darn good thing I say: Too many Thai women I've met are forsaking breast feeding completely do to media exposure. Oh DHA will help my child more. Completely ignoring the natural immunity that breast milk provides and the effect on the child's bonding even if its only for month or 3. Not mention that medical scientists have repeatedly pointed to studies to the medical benefits of breast feeding in many studies by thousands of researchers over the last century 

  6. 9 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    That's eye pressure. It's not the same thing as blood pressure. I have an open mind about all of this. I'm feeling that if this same study concluded pot causes strong erections, people would be saying, cool! But it's something negative so it's got to be a conspiracy theory. 

    Its eye pressure sure. But over all blood pressure is an important factor. I can look up the study-s if you e me

  7. The varicella-zoster virus which causes Chicken Pox (and Shingles) is a once only virus, meaning one you have had it your immune from the Chicken Pox primary form. The virus though continues to remain in the nervous system prefering the (usually upper) spinal column. For about <10% people who have had it can experience "Shingles" medically called "Herpes Zoster" a condition where the virus migrates along the nerves from the spinal column (usually across the chest region) causing nerve pain (not nice) and local pox adjancent to the nerve(s) to which it is spreading. There is a vaccine BUT there is some questions still at this late date (I think it was introduced in the mid 70's) on how effective it is and if it needs to be renewed every 10 years or so. For children as the primary form can kill thats good But how long that immunity lasts......... from the vaccine. People who have not had the primary form should get vaccinated (the vaccine is a dead virus type) if they are likly to come in contact with the live form (ie around un-vaccinted children).

  8. I've been using Visa & Mastercards here in Thailand for over 10 yrs including the new chipped ones, all re-mailed from the states. Thai banks cannot be used to activate most cards, simple reason that doing so "flags" the bank that it is not the country of issue. The only way is to comunicate with the bank and remind them that your out of country (banking computers don't always see this). All Visa (Mastercard I'm not so sure about) are required to have both teller query and administration rights and access to online account transaction, which apparently you have. Call your branch's local telephone # identify yourself and ask that they activate your card. Then tell them where you are and that you didn't receive the pin # with the re-mailing and ask them to reset it, give them the pin # you want. Easy done costs a bit for the call but its easy works every time. Calling during business hours never more than a min. or 2 wait and your talking to a branch that in theory knows you. This branch designation is never placed on credit or debt cards so it can't be used by the crooks.

  9. Most usefull item from the US in hardware that I've never seen anywhere in Thailand are the hollow wall anchors known as butterfly bolts. (spring loaded self opening anchors). Always bring a bunch whenever I'm stateside. Another (just to blow Thai's minds and tongues) Habanero Pepper seeds which you can find at home depots plant dept.

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  10. I should point out that the rainwater here is slightly acidic due to the "Indian pollution cloud" As with the Chinese pollution which extends all the way across the Pacific so the smog from India extends this far east. (Can be actually seen from orbit) But in 15+ years I've never had any trouble drinking and cooking with collected rainwater using nothing but simple clothe filters and stored in the ceramic tubs they use here. Also in Issan I had no problem convincing my wife as she had been doing just that her whole life.

  11. My computer really isn't setup for hard video manipulation at the moment (tho it appears yours isn't either) But I can tell a couple of things right off. (going through the shot frame by frame)

    1. It was outside the opening

    2. It was solid (no doubt) a very faint color change on the subject caused by the slight wall protusion waist high left and the subject gives some sense of depth as the subject came into view.

    3. It bounces as it moved just as a normal walker would do, so it didn't float.

    Just for what it's worth

  12. First thing is you need to consider "how to" all of the below though not necessarily in the order given!

    A. Creating a working prototype. Can you do your own or do you need help?

    B. What is your target market? Is this something for local sales, highly specialized etc..?

    C. Is it in fact patentable?. or will a design copyright work as well?

    D. 1.Assuming you would use cheap labour (local I would assume) would you want to oversee production and farm out marketing? or 2. farm out production and marketing? #1 will get you better returns but is a lot more long term headache. 2. means patent or design copyright first, then flogging the idea and/or putting up cash for manufacture and marketing of an untested product and just low % of sales.

    These options are tricky. If you can do A. on the cheap do this first even if you need to find a friendly partner with manufacturing knowledge (production engineer) or someone else with production experience.

    Considering B. Comes with the result of additional costing if it would need to shipped around will that in fact be cost effective? Ronco's "Pocket Fisherman" is a good example where D-1 was started and led to millions upgrading to D-2. Under a "Patent Pending" scenerio = C. Design Copyright

    While I know no inventor (myself included) likes the idea, there is no free ride bringing anything to market, either a lot of hard work or cash (usually both). Stay well away of these companies that claim they can patent and produce your idea, every one that I have seen can never claim any success ratio that is better 1 in a hundred (usually a lot less) and will charge you money upfront to even listen. Getting the kid down the block with a CAD program to run out blueprints and private "Patent Attorney" for some cheap advice is your better bet until you know the ropes.

    P.S. In my experience being able to prototype yourself and some sort of early cheap production ("under the radar of the big boys") is by far the most effective start. also as above (I was working on this when the post above me was made) Marketing is easy once you have something useful in hand. Advertising it is getting easier and easier via the net if your product would have a wide usage. Costing out tho is getting harder.

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