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  1. A friend of mine has done 4 entries this year, with border bounce companies. I don't know if its unlimited, but there is no stated limit anymore, and the "rules" are now the same as with air entries. I wouldn't test my luck without a visa run company though.
  2. Yeah but during covid you could only get 30 or 45 days. Now its 60 days visa exempt which is why it costs more.
  3. Yes, both at airport (Suvarnabhumi)
  4. A friend of mine got told yesterday that this was his last time entering visa exempt. He spent a week in Vietnam before arriving. The reason he stays in Thailand for longer periods of time is because he trains muay thai on a high level, something he told the IOs as well. They wanted him to get a DTV for muay thai for next entry. The previous time he entered was also "the last time" according to the IO, so I don't know what the real last time is... but he probably shouldn't push it. Just a FYI for anyone in a similar situation.
  5. OP until you get your things in order, there are many "safe entry" services available at all the big airports in Thailand - for a fee of course. A quick search in this forum will give you the results you need.
  6. They seem to be much more harsh towards people who qualify for the retirement visa but still try to stay long term as a tourist. I have seen this type of thread a few times already. Not saying OP did anything wrong, but this area seems to be very sensitive for the IOs.
  7. This is the first I have heard about IO:s pushing people to get a DTV. I guess it was just a matter of time. But soon they will be cracking down on the DTV:s too when they realize people are in fact not cooking krapow every day for 8 hours.
  8. I suggest to get the DTV now since I am pretty sure they will make the requirements tougher sooner rather than later. Someone staying in Thailand 5 years doing "cooking classes"... yeah right.
  9. Thats a crazy amount of money to pay. But I guess if you dont have the 500k atleast you can get it with 100k. I wonder how they do the showing of required funds.
  10. What I have read so far, they dont question DTV holders. But time will tell in a few years or so. I will also be applying for DTV next trip, I have had it with these guessing games while using tourist visas.
  11. You dont have to supply hotel bookings for the whole trip, just for a few days. I usually book 5 days, and it has never been a problem. Document indicating current location I just take a photo of my drivers license, always works. Photo you can take yourself with your phone against a white background.
  12. Dont worry everyone, you will soon be filling them out electronically with the ETA.
  13. The mistake OP did is to fly out and do a visa exempt run by air by himself/herself. Never ever do that if you are at the slightest concerned about questions at entry. There are many visa run services running daily in Thailand for this exact reason. This is Thailand, and these are the unwritten rules. Best to get with the program, or face the consequences.
  14. It´s normal to have that feeling. I always feel very anxious about flying here. Everything would be so much easier if there were some clear rules.
  15. lets summarize this then: There should be no problem entering visa exempt for OP after being out of Thailand for 4 months. Having a Tourist Visa would improve odds considerably. A new passport will probably not have any effect (but it could, since the IO would not have to scroll through several pages of stamps and start to get concerned). To guarantee entry, there are several services available (for a price). With any questions on arrival it's a good idea to have clear itinerary, accommodation, 20k baht cash etc. Airline at departure may/will require proof of onward flight. If denied entry, there is a chance that you could be sent to a neighboring country (if you are guaranteed entry in said country). In other cases, you will be sent home to your home country at your own expense.

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