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  1. I think the agent assisted DTV border runs are for those who have problems justifying a long term stay if asked by an immigration officer. Still learning to cook pad thai after 2 years? Doing dental work 3 years straight? Might raise some eyebrows at immigration, for example.
  2. I am almost sure they will start to crack down on DTV holders on the soft power activities. Sooner rather than later. That is probably why there already is a service available (5700 baht) for a new 180 day entry.
  3. Hey OP, I would take the IOs comment as the first warning, and would not push it after this with a new exempt (especially flying in). I dont think a safe service is needed if you have several months in between your trips, but certainly another visa. The DTV is one of the best options right now for us long stayers / "you stay too long in Thailand" travelers. And to those who have commented that the IO has too much power to deny entry. The officer will most likely ask for a supervisor to come and check the situation. Last time the boss came up to the booth and checked my tourist visa, said something to the IO, and then I got stamped in.
  4. There is a bit of a difference between an ETA and a TM6. ETA is something that is needed to authorize travel, while TM6 is just mandatory "information reporting" for your trip. You can probably fly without filing a TM6 but pay a fine, just like with the TM30. Without an ETA you will not even be allowed to board the plane. But it will be an absolute nightmare if both those systems are implemented. The amount of hoops to jump through would be so immense that the losses from tourism would be astronomical. I am sure most tourists will just look elsewhere if its too difficult to go to a country for a holiday.
  5. Just my 2 cents, right now it is high season and the staff are probably very stressed. I would give them the benefit of the doubt, but yeah... I have also had my fair share of uneasy conversations at Immigration. I always feel tense and nervous interacting with them, and this mostly boils down to previous "interrogations" for staying "too long" in Thailand. Next trip I am aiming to arrive with a DTV to avoid all this. As the OP wrote, if there only were some clear rules. Maybe the new ETA will bring some clarity. In the video below the guy on the left says that the alarm bells will start ringing after 3 VE:s per year, and then you get blocked by the system. After that you have to apply through the e-visa portal and obtain a real visa, not exempt. I don't know what he bases this on, but it seems he knows a bit more than usual. You can have a look here:
  6. Some borders require this now, but not all. My guess it will keep expanding though, probably to stop people doing visa runs by themselves to stay in Thailand. Best to use a visa service to avoid problems, even if it comes with a cost.
  7. That is true, but nowadays the land borders have been tightening up a lot. Many of them require overnight stays, or even two night stays outside of Thailand before you can re-enter. With a visa agent you don't need to worry about this requirement, or any other new "rules" they come up with.
  8. You can try by yourself, but I would not recommend it. The fee you pay is to make sure that you are pre-cleared and not hassled by immigration - before you even arrive at the border. They also mark your TM6 card with the Visa agency service sticker, and usually have you wear a little sign on your clothes that identify you as part of the group. If you want to do it yourself it is of course possible, but you might have issues returning the same day. They could ask you to stay in Cambodia a few nights, or you might be questioned if you have a long history of visa exempts/tourist visas in your passport. In the absolute worst case you will not be let back in at that border, and then you have to try to make your way back through another one. Not a fun time.
  9. I usually go there around 8 AM to avoid waiting the whole day. If you arrive just before they open you should be out around 9.30.
  10. Probably incomplete application... I have seen a guy sitting next to me at lak si immigration get sent out for not having a tm30. Was told to come back next day.
  11. I just stumbled upon this video from Immigration Division 2 and their Instagram channel: (https://www.instagram.com/p/DEEjJ0TSCdm/) In the video they actually push for the DTV visa, which is the first I have seen from any official channel so far....instead of using multiple exempts or tourist visas. I put a screenshot of it here aswell.
  12. A friend of mine has done 4 entries this year, with border bounce companies. I don't know if its unlimited, but there is no stated limit anymore, and the "rules" are now the same as with air entries. I wouldn't test my luck without a visa run company though.
  13. Yeah but during covid you could only get 30 or 45 days. Now its 60 days visa exempt which is why it costs more.
  14. Yes, both at airport (Suvarnabhumi)
  15. A friend of mine got told yesterday that this was his last time entering visa exempt. He spent a week in Vietnam before arriving. The reason he stays in Thailand for longer periods of time is because he trains muay thai on a high level, something he told the IOs as well. They wanted him to get a DTV for muay thai for next entry. The previous time he entered was also "the last time" according to the IO, so I don't know what the real last time is... but he probably shouldn't push it. Just a FYI for anyone in a similar situation.
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