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  1. I was denied an Elite visa based on that I had a volunteer visa. Just like most of you I got it because I didn't want to worry every 2 months that that my covid extension would run out and I would have to leave. I moved here in February 202 thinking I would get a non-o visa (register my business here) but when covid happened everything changed. So I was denied and I just asked if I get a new passport and apply again that they said no and that more than likely if you do get approved and then sign that you never had a volunteer visa (which is not true) you won't get a refund so its not worth doing, imo, see below: So I think you just need to. check if they change their policy, its crazy they are denying people who are willing to pay. So from the emails below means, if you get a new passport and then just say you never had volunteer visa and they approve you.... and then you pay and sign the contract that has all the rules including saying "you never had volunteer or Ed visa" and they they find out you have, they will keep your money since you signed the contract under false pretenses. So it is a bit of a scam as they should not give you an approval letter unless you are approved, sort of silly but I don't think I could send them money knowing that I might not get it back. I will just register for a company while in America and be done with it. See emails below, hope this helps. I was denied late October 2022. Hello, I was denied an Elite visa as I had a volunteer visa that was issued on November 2020 for one year. I will be getting a new passport while in America and was will have it on May 25, 2023. My question is can I apply for the Elite Visa while in America and then pick up at the airport if approved? Will the new passport help? The volunteer visa will be quite old at this time over 3 years. Thanks! Greetings from Thailand Privilege Card Referring to your email, in this state, there has not been further updated policy regarding the Non-O Volunteer visa holder. There is a very high chance that you may not be able to obtain the Elite visa despite the changes to the new passport, please also note that the membership fee is non-refundable in any case. Thank you for your kindness and understanding
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