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Everything posted by Handyman1

  1. Do the police have vans similar.
  2. I haven't read the whole thing but an old man with very young kids is disgusting. In New Zealand the legal age of consent is 16 and most off Australia is 18. To young to know what they want.
  3. All dogs can be made aggressive by their treatment,but pit bulls have a very powerful jaws compared to most other dog breeds so do so much more damage. BLAME the OWNER FOR NOT RIGHT education and TREATMENT. There are many pit bulls in NZ and rarely hear of trouble with them. Although when you do hear about them it is bad and it due to their education and big and powerful jaws.
  4. On my first visit to Thailand (from New Zealand) I visited Udon Thani and surrounding areas. That was in 2005 and 2007 for about 30 days each time and loved the friendly people. I knew only a few Thai words but was able to make some good friends. I returned again in 2010 and 20018 and supposed to come again in 2020,but covid spoiled that. Hope to be back in Thailand later this year and will travel around Thailand and up to Udon as well.
  5. The cards will be forged copies(forged duplicate cards) so owners wont know to cancel card till after they have been used.
  6. New Zealand is having lot troubles with under 16 kids doing ram raids. All that happens to them is a talk too and no legal record can be kept.We are now to soft on young kids allowing to become seasoned criminals before becoming adults and getting a record. Bring back the cat and 9 tails whip. Just a couple of lashes first time should hopefully change them.
  7. Was it a true bar tab and he trying to sneak out or a false tab.. My first time in Thailand many years ago I was hit with extras added but lucky for me I was with a lot of other Thais that stuck up for me. So what is the truth.
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