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Everything posted by jo1993

  1. And which of them is =< to stick a finger up and banging on a window? None. Did you read where I wrote minor? All your references refer to incidents where the vehicles used as a weapon or serious harm. Buckle up son the echo has never wrote an article where the worst thing to happen was someone banged on a window
  2. Same city your name suggests, I doubt the echo has ever reported such a minor traffic incident. It barely has space to report major incidents.
  3. So glad crime is so low in this country that this makes the news ????
  4. Police are struggling to figure out how to blame this on Burmese
  5. A lot more helmets in bkk than elsewhere but no helmet is still common even on Sukhumvit
  6. If they wanted to protect Thai tourism, even just for show, they should have at very least suspended their licencing and closed them down. You know show they actually care about tourists... No doubt hands got greased on the inspection
  7. Don't have a kid here, 100k goes real fast
  8. Both ways? Crossing the road in Thailand you have to look left right up down backwards forwards into the past future and the 5th dimension
  9. Suppose you like paying "meter not working" prices?
  10. My daughter will start kindergarten in may. Thinking about burapha. A couple of people I know send their kids and seem happy with it. Google reviews there's a bunch of negative .... Which are likely fake as most posters of 1 star give 5 star review to an Indian restaurant and a comic book store. So maybe somebody with a grudge. Can anyone share their experience with this school?
  11. I've crossed the road many times drunk. Never been ran over. Does that mean nobody else can be ran over drunk too?
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