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  1. Oh thank you I have the first Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) they were stronger and the second Biontech. In Germany these 2 are taken as 3.
  2. So are my vaccinations from the second half of 2021 still valid? But if I look in the application with certificates (German application), it says that I am not completely vaccinated. I had a lot of problems with immunity after the vaccination, so I thought I'd better wait with the next vaccination. And everything was open...
  3. I have a question, I have had 2 vaccinations, but 14 months have passed since the last vaccination. So I wonder if I am still vaccinated and my certificates will be valid? I have 2, because the first one was stronger, so I actually have 3. That's how it was in Germany. I have tickets for February 21, but I don't think that will change after January 31.
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