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Everything posted by ZXHY600

  1. Yes true. But owner is foreigner. According to them no creases no cracks.
  2. According to the mechanic no issues. They wouldn't do it if it weren't safe. I'll see if I can get a picture later. How much for new fork legs?
  3. Yeah I know. Don't have a photo of the neck unfortunately.
  4. Only photo I have.
  5. The shop said they wouldn't do anything unless they deem it safe. But I have no clue
  6. Yes it's one of their services. I was mostly worried about the integrity after having it straightened.
  7. I don't know because I don't have much experience with this.
  8. Thank you. Was reading on reddit and everyone says any slight bend is catastrophic basically... Which made me worried
  9. Just crashed my ninja 600. Two cars suddenly stopped in front of me, panicked and lost traction. Front wheel hit a car. It seems the neck is slightly bent without cracks. Took it to a shop that says it can straighten the neck without any structural issues. What's your opinion on this? Is it safe? Or would it be better to buy a whole new frame? Or sell the bike for parts?
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