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Everything posted by ThaiJim

  1. From what I saw, there was some price gouging at the pier. Expensive food, drinks and taxi's. I know everyone needs to earn a living, but hate when it's at the expense of men in uniform.
  2. They stopped corporal punishment in the US many years ago. Neither teachers, nor parents can hit their children, especially in public. Now the children are hitting teachers and parents. Stealing cars and robbing stores. No one should beat a child so that they are hurt, but a little punishment now can save years of future problems. Not for making math mistakes in class, but for backtalk or rule violations, I'm not against it. Many years ago my daughter got caught cheating on a test in Korea. The principal sent a not home saying that they were going to administer 2 smacks with a paddle in his office. The school nurse would be present. They asked me for permission to punish her for her mistake. I signed, giving my consent. They did the punishment. 8 years ago, she graduated University. I attended graduation. She asked me if I remembered the incident. I said that I did and asked why she brout it up. She said that it didn't hurt that much, but was the most embarrasing thing she ever had. She also said she never cheated again and was happy that I had let them do it, because it helped her to become a better woman. She now has a very good job, a nice husband and two children of her own in the US. I suspect that they get hit now and again.
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