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Posts posted by Tedkhon

  1. It wasnt a waste of time to post your question.


    This question seems to have been asked in various ways over the past but never received a credible answer from the British Embassy.


    What the replies to your question have shown is that the US and Australian Embassies have managed to explain this issue to its passport holders.


    So if they can do it there is no reason why the British Embassy cannot give a sensible explanation.


    Maybe a little more time will get an official reply (call it living in hope).


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  2. Sorry a bit unclear but do you have prostate cancer?


    In the original post it mentions a biopsy done 18 months ago , did that find cancerous cells or none?


    As I understand it the only time to say its prostate cancer is when a prostate biopsy finds cancerous cells.


    If thats a mistaken understanding I look forward to the correct information being posted.

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  3. For people in the UK there is a card similar to a donors card that states who you want as next of kin. (You decide the person it does not have to be a relative)


    The card is produced by advicenow.org.uk and is information for NHS staff if you are injured and in hospital.


    The persons details on the card should be the same as those you write in the last page of the GB passport


    Most people strolling around the UK do not carry their passport so the card is designed for them, For a GB expat in Thailand having the card on them and the passport at a safe place should cover most situations.


    I cant find the exact link for the card but it can be found by following this NHS link https://www.royalfree.nhs.uk/patients-visitors/advice-and-support/next-of-kin/ and going to the bottom of the page.


    The royalfree and the advicenow information is worth reading as it discusses next of kin law for UK people.




    But the question still to be answered by The British Embassy is


    In the event of your death in Thailand will the British Embassy recognise your choice of next of kin or not?


    Maybe there will be an answer on the way.

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  4. It could be the insurance company asked about the BPH symptoms because the op stated it in the very first posting on this thread.


    This is a world wide public message forum. Nothing is private. Is it not possible april international has searches running to find when the company is being discussed on the internet.


    Many companies do that.


    Have you considered the insurance company is reading what you write ?


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  5. Fungus Fix Number One---


    Buy an electric hair dryer and use it to send warm dry air into the places the sun doesnt shine.


    Fungus Fix Number Two---


    Buy an electric hair dryer and use it to send warm dry air into the places the sun doesnt shine.


    Sorry but that is important


    I am old and have suffered with fungal itches for years, fixed with ointments, steroids doctors etc. But the one absolute cure that I realised in the last 2 years is to use a handheld hair dryer as an air dryer and dry off after a shower with a blast of warm dry air into the areas that fungus grows in armpits, crotch, etc


    Fungus only grows in dark wet places, warm air blasts those places totally dry, fungus cant grow.


    If you already have a fungus infection it is growing inside the top layer of the skin not on the top of the skin. So it needs washing out (which is not scrubbing or breaking the skin) but with soap and warm water a good lengthy massaging wash of the area effected.


    Once you have a fungus infection you will try anything to stop the itch. Using an air dryer on the skin will stop the fungus before it even starts.










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