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  1. I've explored that with my broker (Interactive Brokers), and those options, unfortunately, are only available for US residents.
  2. Just a couple of observations: The oft repeated advice is that it's advisable to have separate wills for each country. However, such advice suggests that it is possible (if not advisable). The few online US will websites that I've looked at so far start by requiring your address, and only accept US addresses. (You have to enter your state.) I also very much doubt that such sites would handle important aspects such as ensuring you don't unintentionally revoke your Thai will, and make it clear that the will is only for assets in the US. That said, I think I'm pretty close to being resigned to getting a US will, even though that will make things more complicated (and more expensive) for my executor - getting probate twice, for example.
  3. Has anyone managed to find a Thai lawyer (preferably in Bangkok) willing and able to prepare a will covering assets in both Thailand and USA? I've approached six that looked promising, with US connections, but have not got anywhere. My sole US assets are three accounts with Interactive Brokers (Connecticut), so it seems overkill to create a US will and also to face the cost, time and inconvenience of probate in both Thailand and US. (I'm a British citizen, but resident and domiciled in Thailand. I have no assets in the UK.) Thanks.
  4. As Leopards don't change their spots, Trump doesn't change his hatred of Muslims. What on earth were they expecting? All the evidence was there from his first term as president.
  5. I have a double gang 3 pin socket into which I want to plug my new fridge and water cooler. Both devices have fitted plugs with a 90 degree turn and both sockets point in the same (horizontal) direction. Consequently it's not possible to plug both in at the same time the cable of one plug will block the second socket. Is there anything I can do about this, apart from cutting off the fitted plugs and wiring in straight ones? Is there perhaps some sort of adaptor I could use to change the direction of one of the sockets through 180 degrees? Any bright ideas? I'm sure I can't be the first person in Thailand to face this problem. Thanks
  6. But only if you want him speaking with a Cockney accent?
  7. I'm curious. No need for a will or probate?
  8. They will love it. Just as Arabs go abroad to drink alcohol, they also go abroad for gay sex.
  9. Oh, please pay attention. It isn't 2.2% - it's gone down to 2.0%. And as for S&P 500 funds, the S&P is trading at a P/E ratio of 27 suggesting it's seriously overpriced, and it is heavily invested in a very narrow range of tech companies. NVIDIA 7.2%, Apple 6.7%, Microsoft 6.2% are the top three holdings. NVIDIA's P/E ratio is 68.6, Apple's 36.8, and Microsoft 34.7. The level of growth implied by these figures is almost certainly unobtainable. And finally there's the foreign exchange risk. So, whilst the S&P has done very well over the last few years, there's no reason to assume that that level of performance will continue, and plenty of reasons to assume it won't.
  10. Only the ignorant would consider that to be nonsense.
  11. This is an oft repeated fallacy. You need to factor in exchange rates. It wouldn't take much of a shift in the GBP/THB exchange rate to wipe out any potentially higher returns from investing offshore. In fact, the existence of arbitrage means that you would expect to get exactly the same return from both onshore and offshore deposits.
  12. Went to the bank today to reinvest a maturing fixed deposit. I was disappointed to learn that the rate on a 48 month deposit dropped from 2.2% (pretty pathetic) to 2.0% (even more pathetic) yesterday . What is odd is that the rates for 24 month and 26 month deposits are the same 2%, so no premium for tying up your cash for longer. Anyway, changed my plan and invested in a short term bond fund (KFSMART-A) which has a yield to maturity of 2.22% (albeit with a duration of 4½ months, so there is reinvestment risk.)
  13. Because they can afford it? Because they enjoy luxury? I know I do. However, I'm sure there are a lot of less affluent people who resent those who've worked hard all their lives and saved enough money to enjoy the good things in life.
  14. Yes. At the top end, Thailand's hotels are amongst the best in the world. Capella, Four Seasons, The Siam, The Sukhothai, Dusit Thani, Mandarin Oriental, Banyan Tree. All exquisite. And there are others.
  15. Trying to understand. Is your card's registered address in the UK or Thailand? Thanks.

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