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Everything posted by murto

  1. Animals proven to be lethally violent are not euthanized enough in Thailand. Apologies don't mean <deleted> in a situation like this. The owner needs to be made to take responsibility as theough they themselves carried out the attack. Even if the girl survives, her life is ruined
  2. With much of the world falling apart under right wing rule, I don't think Thailand will have that problem anytime soon
  3. Disagree! It seems a lot of foreigners come here thinking it's Disneyland and behave as though it is. I suspect living in crime-prone places like Pattaya doesn't help one's profile
  4. Do you really not recognize how ignorant your comment is... or you just funnin' us?
  5. Khon Kaen has always needed that bank letter on the day of the visa application
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