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About Gloman

  • Birthday April 25

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    United Kingdom

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  1. Imagine this in the future. A device will be able to scan you as a person to see if you can afford to go inside a building and then you’ll be put or only allowed into certain places. Along with one day (I’m hoping) the system will completely crash and your bank account closes overnight leaving you with not having the opportunity to buy anything. I work in the festival industry and sometimes the signal is poor and you cannot take card payment. Some parents couldn’t buy food or a treat for their children….thankfully those which experienced this always carries cash now.
  2. If the tunes they were banging out was good then I would have left them alone. If it was anything like that Thai karaoke then I certainly would evict them…. curious if it was someone famous would there be such a fuss about it? Most likely not!
  3. I’m not sure who’s the biggest fool here. And who will be financially worse off…..
  4. Completely agree. Always two sides to a story. Perhaps his wife told him something stressing. 🤷‍♂️
  5. Perhaps his food was too spicy making him spit it out and then his wife said she was cold so he thought he’d warm her up by heating the blanket and whilst doing this he stood on his phone. 🤷‍♂️.
  6. So a Canadian man started a fight on four Thais…..surely it was one Thai and the other three got involved.
  7. My friend once accidentally left all my bun kun money in a taxi…. It almost ruined my wedding. My wife contact the taxi company and to our surprise they returned it… But to this day I’m still thinking would it of ruined my wedding…
  8. Could we possibly have the full story?
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