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Everything posted by LionM00
Thanks so much! I’ll check them out for sure! ????????????
I’m sure, most go from 3k/5k to 8k thb/month but they look way too nice I guess? And since you told me they were around 15k my first thought was that it’s a scam or something. Oh! Honestly Airbnb didn’t cross my mind, I thought I would get better prices on some real state sites but that turned out to be more difficult ???? thank you for your advice! I’ll check on Airbnb but definitely do local browsing when I’m finally in the city. Thanks again, virtual hug from Mexico! ((:
Hi Warrima! As I told Crossy, i just wanted you to know that I’ve finally figured out how to reply correctly Haha I answered you too in an individual comment here. But alas, if you didn’t get a notification… don’t want you to think I never answered or that I don’t appreciate your comment as well ((:
Oh definitely the food, culture, religion, people and spirituality. May sound childish but I’m in my quarter life crisis so I need to reconnect with all of that hehe ????. I’ve already lived in Europe for a while so I’m in for the eastern experience of life. Also, doesn’t hurt that Thai girls are known to be so beautiful huh? Overall I’m looking to fully immerse myself in a culture and language completely different from mine ((:
Hey Hummin, I did some research for studios on rent in this areas but I think the pages I found are not very legit? I mean, beautiful photos and ridiculously low prices? So I don’t think I can trust that. Do you have any sites you recommend that are trustworthy? Thanks in advance ((:
Oh snap, well can’t have it all haha thank you so much for taking time from your day to search that. I appreciate it a lot! I’ll consider it on the expenses, also it’s great to know some of the popular areas for future reference. Thanks again Hummim! ????????????????????????
I have a close friend that worked in Thailand for 2 years and we have talked extensively about it. I’m just asking questions to know more and get a bigger picture. I’m also planning to visit Bangkok for a few months before making the decision to live there.
Totally agree with you on this, I’ve heard Thai girls are really beautiful so avoiding dating would not be really smart haha ???? I’ll take your advice into consideration!
Thank you so much! This is great information to know! I greatly appreciate it. Also is a relief to know directly from someone that has lived in Bangkok for more that 20 years that is , in fact, a safe city ????????.
Thanks a lot! Didn’t consider doing the calculations on a per-year salary, this is great info to have an estimate too. ????????
“Lady drinks” as in drinks you pay for your female friends or drinks you pay for a lady you fancy in a bar? Haha I’m a little confused! ????
Thank you! 30k plus rent seems to be the most common answer so I’ll use that for calculating my savings and expenses. And really thanks a lot for that advice, I have zero idea of how to ride a scooter so yeah, I’m definitely not going with that idea now!
Hahaha big question huh? Prostitutes or no prostitutes? ???? only time will tell! Your comment made me laugh, thanks!
It’s okay really, I don’t mind the questions, I understand my ask has to many variables ????. Thank you for your advise haha I’ll surely keep a low profile as you recommend. Definitely not into the “loud” opulent lifestyle of big houses, super expensive cars and high maintenance girls, I’m nowhere near the age to be a sugar daddy for anyone but myself haha ;))
Hi! Thank you for the info you shared ((: I had an estimate of 10k-15k for rent. Do you have any neighborhoods you recommend? As in, average cost and general safety? Thanks again!
Thank you for your advice OneMoreFarang ((: that’s the first thing on my list but I want to be prepared and save enough money to survive at least for 3-4 months in Bangkok so that’s the reason I asked an estimate of how much that would be ????. As for the job, I’m looking for BIM coordinator/operator/drafter offers, but I’m not closed off to finding other legal jobs that are among my capabilities.
Thank you so much! I wasn’t as lost as I thought, apparently the job position I’m looking for pays an average of 64k-89k per month so it’s great to know that I can actually have a life with that! Haha thanks for the advice! I was planning on arriving with enough savings to do exactly that ????????????????????????????
Thank you so much for all your comments guys! I’ll try to answer most of the questions here, as to not spam every one of you with messages. I’m all in for living like a local, I have no interest in having a western lifestyle when I’m in Bangkok! ((: I think the best experience always comes from doing what the locals do right? - Restaurants: I prefer to cook simple dishes at home or buy from a small local restaurant. I don’t eat red meat so it will mostly be chicken, fish, rice, pasta and vegetables. - Nightlife: I’m not one to go out every night. Maybe a beer after work but that would be the most, and only 2-3 times a week tops. And maybe once or twice a month having the clubbing experience. - What visa do you have?: my goal is to get the non-immigrant visa for the work permit. - Here for work, play, school, travel?: work and local travel when available. - If you have one, what's your monthly budget? I don’t have one yet. - Do you speak Thai? No, I speak English, Spanish and Italian. But I’m planing to take a Thai language course before I go to Thailand. My goal is to keep studying the language when I get there. - Single or accompanied? Single! - How long do you plan to stay? As long as the job contract allows me to, I’m hoping for at least 2 years. If I find myself happy there I’ll try to stay for more. - Public transportation or private? Public transportation is preferable. I was also considering investing on a scooter but I don’t know if it’s really better. - Entertainment at night how often, to do what/where?: as I said above at most twice a week to a local bar to get a beer, maybe to a club to dance once or twice a month. - Are you an upmarket, mid market, or happy with down market person?: happy with down market for sure! Thank you again to all, I hope this helps in having a more accurate estimate ????????
Hello guys! I’m new in the forum, I don’t know if it’s okay to post this question here but I’m planning on moving to Thailand and my goal is getting to work in Bangkok. I’ve been searching on google how much does it cost for 1 person to live in the city but every page has a different amount and they vary greatly (like from 22,000 BTH plus rent to 66,000 BTH) so I really can’t get a clear idea to start making preparations. I would really appreciate your help on this matter, just an estimate is fine. Just for reference: I’m nothing fancy, I don’t buy electronics or clothes often, nor do I eat in luxury restaurants or the like, maybe my only guilty pleasure is beer haha. Additional questions: which are average priced but “safe” neighborhoods in Bangkok that you would recommend for living? (I hope this question is not offensive, I don’t know how the situation around safety is in Bangkok but I live in Mexico so, knowing were is more “safe” to live is a must! ????) Thank you so much for taking the time to read me ((:
Hey Warrima! Thank you so much for taking the time to pass some advice from your own experience. Seems like working as a BIM coordinator might me a possibility! But yeah it makes sense that after Covid all the hotel business came to a sudden halt. I’ll apply anyway, the worst that can happen is that they directly tell me they cannot employ foreigners and I will know for sure haha. Your story is also really interesting! I guess in some ways depending on where you work and how big the company is, it can be easier to be sent to other countries for work. I’m glad you took the chance and that you were able to keep working in that company after that crisis. When you said that your work description for the work permit is different I’m guessing the company that wants to hire you can help with that? Also, what you said about now being payed as a local, is that better than how you were before? Thank you again for all the info you provided, it seems that as also Crossy said it’s very important to have local contacts that can refer you to certain work positions. I’ll ask everyone I know if they have contacts in Thailand that can help, let’s see what happens! I’ll have my fingers crossed ????????
Thank you so much guys! I don’t know how to answer to each of you via tagging so I’ll do it here in separate texts, hope it’s okay! Crossy: thank you for giving me an honest perspective. It’s always best to know the reality of things as to be ready to face them. Also thank you for suggesting checking up international companies, as I don’t know any I didn’t consider that as an option. I’ll check out the one you shared! Do you have any others that you would recommend? I really want to go to Thailand because of the culture, religion, cuisine and overall because I’ve heard only good things about the people there. I’m young and still finding myself, I always thought Asia was a good opportunity for that and giving the fact that Thailand has the most LGBTQ population in Asia I counted that as a definitive plus! Your story is amazing! Really, how cool that you have worked in so many cities, also meeting your Thai wife in Italy of all places is really cute :)) I’m sure is a super cool story to tell hehe I also understand many of your opportunities were born by circumstances no? Like being in the right moment at the right time and knowing the right people (that’s not even counting your skill and experience!), so I get what you say about having contacts and an established network can help a lot. Thank you again for your advice and encouragement, I can’t say I have tons of experience to qualify as a senior in any position but I think I have great skill in what I do, I speak 3 languages fluidly and I’m a quick learner. Also I’m persistent as a Bull haha so I’ll make this happen one way or another, I’ll apply to any job offer I can find and I’ll see from there ((:
Hello! I’m new in the forum ((: I’m considering moving to Thailand for a few years. I’m a licensed architect and I also have a degree as a BIM coordinator/Revit specialist, I found out that working as an Architect in Thailand is close to impossible given the fact that is an occupation closed to foreigners but as far as I read there seems to be a loophole were it says (in the Thaiembassy official page) “excluding work requiring specialized techniques” under civil engineering work. Can this include BIM work? I really don’t know anyone who works in Thailand so any advice or input will be greatly appreciated! Thank you in advance! (I included the screenshot of the part I’m referencing above)