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john donson

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Everything posted by john donson

  1. now who went to destabilize the whole african continent and removing the dictators that had some kind of control on the outflow or unwanted that now flood europe ? at least the US has some kind of 'christian' economical refugees
  2. so say something anti woke and end up in jail, but rapist gets 'soft touch'... forced castration, you know, gender bending drugs they give to 'trans' wanna be kids should be at least given by injection on a regular bases and if they evade, instant full jail term but who am i kidding
  3. backdoor trojan ransomware maybe? pay or we deactivate your xx million per unit tool?
  4. a small invasion, no blood shed...
  5. daily gamble of playing chicken, with your life
  6. now do this every day as they are supposed to (55555555555555)
  7. no brainer... not married = almost virgin birth, no father, lol
  8. all a misunderstanding if he gets fired, he should report he was collecting for his boss/police new year party/ upgrade in rank
  9. did all the little ghosts go to better earning places?
  10. kidnap? does the aunt have official parental rights given by court?
  11. let them marry and divorce (lose all what you paid for but now have to give away half or all) and live the happy life, just like the rest of us
  12. strange they never can catch those or it is a catch and release program... katoey must have good connection with a gold shop or two... you never buy anything and always bring new stuff...
  13. the air is clean there? for radiation sake, I would never go there fuki<deleted>ta still releasing right...
  14. joseph was shooting blanks, or the neighbor , postman, milkman, had a go while he was out working... there are ZERO virgin births in any animal religion is to control weak minded people and hey look, people still think a man in the sky is living there and created everything, so who created him ? mhhhhhhhhhhhhhh adam and eve had 2 children. one brother killed the other for ??? where did the rest of humanity come from? incest ?
  15. so people here are willing to sign and pay long leases of 12 months and be here less then 6? and do the same in other countries?
  16. escapes bills ?????? what a strange wording, evades yes, escapes?
  17. maybe UK prisons and everywhere should be more like thailand...where a punishment is felt by sleeping on the floor with 30 other and sh.itting in a bucket, instead of the hotel style with full comfort of the criminals
  18. false flag, something like this could be a fake excuse to invade iran... as if houtis have f18... the real people in power in the usa is a war based economy... plus in the US, people pay incredible prices for healthcare, education and crimes are everywhere
  19. were bullies killed in columbine? if yes, karma maybe for the years of torture can one finally state that most of the school shooters were on some kind of SSRI or stop abrubtly...it even says it on the black box warning... my kid was briefly on ssri and almost killed herself from jumping from the top school building but gladly was too fat or too scared to die the thai expensive 'expert' psychiatrist wanted to put her on dangerous anti psychotic meds while afterwards, it was all a case of severe bullying by not only students but even TEACHERS that off course never saw the light of day, till that incident and she was almost expelled after... the bullies off course, got no punishment at all, as usual... I went to the school and issued a verbal warning to the known bullies, but then was honored to get a letter of initiation from the school... moved school after the semester...
  20. lethal injection would be a suitable sentence...imagine small kids sleeping, or elderly or invalid in the units???
  21. how is this now a criminal offence by default ? jail time and big fines and putting the dogs where they belong, put down, not somewhere else... once a dog bites, it should be game over, but TIT
  22. do the crime, do the time apparently many crimes no need for appeal but europe is doomed...
  23. thailand, don't want to cull soi dogs but people can go to cock fights where the animals die for their fun, gambling...
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