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  1. My wife is coming from Thailand to the States and wondering how some of the airlines, flights are in general. Although Japan Airlines has plenty of deals, Im interested in China Airlines. I see that the layover in Tapei is quite short (1hr and 15m) which is good in one hand, but concerned if the plane is late or if the layover is long enough to change flights to the next airplane heading back to the States. Thanks
  2. Good post and reassures that wais can be given in a group setting at certain situations.
  3. Used both for the past several years. Lazada edges out Shopee for less unreliable shops, more products, etc. I had one not so good experience on Shopee years ago but still use them once and awhile as they are pretty reliable. If the chance you do find the same product on both sites, I tend to notice that Shopee is a bit cheaper in general.
  4. I really need to check the proper research on this and see where the yearly trend is. I remembered just hearing how bad Thailands air quality was back a few years ago. Now it went from very bad to dangerous levels and thats not just in one area but the Central/North/Northeast part of Thailand. Whats going to be interesting to see is how bad will it get next year? 5 years from now? 10 years? One option is to perhaps consider moving towards the South. The air quality does affect all of Thailand but its much tamer in the South. Just checked Surat Thani/Phuket and way better than central and the sticks
  5. I again just read OPs posts about his friends wai. Without being there, it sounded like the younger lady gave the wai to the wife. The wife reciprocated the wai and gave it back it the lady and it seemed a second later the friend gave a wai. My experience with wais is that 'most' of the time they are given on a one to one basis, not as a group. But say there are five people in a group and you want to wai from a distant, I rarely ever see a young person wai 5 times. It would make sense to do one big wai to that group. So that could come into play. And there are improper lazy wais which could also be a factor. Sometimes when I check into a hotel with my wife, she arranges the booking and gets the wai at check in. Once in awhile we each get a wai.
  6. Without knowing the full details, its hard to say who's at fault. She could be a nagging older woman that is very demanding (which is typical of Western women, not all but in general) Or she could be a good lady but has a husband that can't resist the temptation of some semi-attractive young bar lady from Isaan that would be impossible to get in England but is obtainable for £50. Bar lady tells him he is very special, she love him long time and want to build family and home with him for the future. He should just end the marriage instead of playing both sides. My guess he'll come to Thailand, spend his life savings to build some home in the sticks of Northeast, while his younger Thai lady shags dozens of guys just like him while he is away. And say they do stay together in Thailand, she'll probably fall in love with some young Farang who ends up breaking her heart as she was just another body to him. Old farang loses everything and ends up hurt as his wife. Young bar lady gives everything to young Farang who ends up breaking her heart. Such is the cycle of the Farang and Thai Bar Lady convert to housewife in Thailand.
  7. Let me guess. OP's friend was the over-friendly farang who first came to Thailand thinking Thai people are smiles and sunshine only to realize its not that at all. The friend made the mistake of giving a wai to a younger Beauty Pageant contestant who is from a society of classism, ego and face. To her being a pageant contestant, she has another added ego of layer on top of people watching her., so yes, she will not return it since she fears she will lose out on her class level. This is the friends fault. And actually the contestant was nice enough to give a wai to the wife in public. OP, your friend has to know the reality of Thailand, and once then, will he be able to enjoy its fruits. Its the 'farang' cycle. 1)When they first come to LOS they tell the world how friendly Thai people. They see the smiles. They never been wai'ed before. They dont see the usual 'Karens' of Western Society. 2)After several years of living, they start to see the darkside that not all smiles are genuine and Thai's communicate 'indirectly' rather than directly. They become bitter. As another posted pointed out, dont be the overly friendly guy that Thais can do know wrong, but dont be so bitter to the point where they think most Thais are like that. I personally dont wai except to the much older in laws. Depending on the situation I may wai back (a great waiter who Ive seen several times at a local restaurant will I wai back as an example).
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