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  1. You guys still believe factcheckers? That's the surest sign it's the opposite!
  2. Time correlation doesn't automatically dismiss causation either. It doesn't sound like she was hit by a bus. I'm pretty sure all 10 Bradford Hill criteria (ie. determining cause in natural observer datasets) are met in some cases though you are just referring to one that being temporality. Some other ones that apply here include analogy (ie. other cases of this skin condition) biological gradient (ie the second dose was worse than the first), plausibility (ie autoimmune conditions could occur after some jabs), et cetera
  3. Hello, I was in Phuket Immigration yesterday at Sapan Him to try to get my marriage visa straightened out. The last two times I have been there pretty early (eg around 10 AM) and the sign said there were no more tickets for any type of long stay visa. I asked the woman at the information counter and she says that a line forms at around 8:00 AM for Phuket Immigration's 8:30 Am opening and that all tickets are gone by around 9:00 AM. THis is just a heads up on anyone trying to renew or make any type of long stay visa. Start early! Are there any other offices in Phuket that process these?
  4. Thailand might call it a Birth Certificate, but the US translates it to Certificate of birth of Thai citizen abroad. If your son was born in North Carolina but has a Thai national mother you should be able to get the paperwork to prove his Thai citizenship from a Thailand consulate. It would have to be done in person with the three of you (closest I think is in NYC) and I don't know how they handle the lack of a tambian baan (i.e. house registration) as presumably the child does not have one unless he lived in Thailand for a while say with your wife/family. Good luck!
  5. Let's go with the daft as you said and the whole you can't cure stupid thing. This seems irrelevant to the topic of the post which is "Do You Want to Adopt Puppies?" Now presumably I was looking for people on Aseannow who presumably might live in Thailand and specifically Phuket who might actually be interested in adopting puppies. Obviously if someone were so interested in messaging me regarding this I would meet with them. Instead I got <deleted> show of rain of shame about why I didn't spay the bitch, one post that was banned by the moderator by an obviously not dog lover, and one guy who has sent me a picture of all his puppies getting shipped off in a tiny cage with implications that despite them going to a Buddhist Wat they probably all got shipped to Cambodia for dog meat. Yes, so joyous. At least 75% of comments have been negative about me daring to let the bitch breed. It has not kind here. What the hell happened to you guys as children? What kind of trauma did you endure?
  6. They all love to eat! And having the 10 left (one was adopted a few days ago by a boy visiting his grandma in the neighborhood) as given me such joy:
  7. I named this one Grayson, who oddly still seems to have pretty blue eyes:
  8. This one I named Lucky because of her seven white points
  9. My husband is a louse! Hence us trying to one up a few at the Monastery! It's a little bit of an inside joke.
  10. I am married to a Thai man. You know how that goes. ????
  11. I am thus far not late as I am trying to get on top of an expiration April 17 and calculating the Songkran holiday. I'm a bit perplexed if this is the more rigorous marriage visa process or the less rigorous non O 60 day extension.
  12. Thanks. I'm new here and am still trying to figure out how to use the forum...
  13. She's pretty!
  14. I just returned to Thailand in early March with a 45 day visa waiver stamp in my passport. I can't recall ever trying to make a Thailand marriage visa off of a tourist visa before. Can it be done directly provided I have all of the paperwork? Or is there another intermediate step?
  15. So we have no electricity at our bungalow it is a long story. We have two solar powered power banks, a solar powered floodlight out front and my brother in law wired a car battery for a small light and charging port once solar banks are drained. I recognize that it is the hot, dry and hence very sunny season right now. I am shopping for a solar generator that is fairly small, inexpensive and portable but which can also at least plug in a few basics like my laptop. We've been long enough without refrigeration, a well pump, A/C or television that I'm not super concerned. I was curious if any of you have suggestions or experiences I am mostly just browsing on Lazada right now. How well do such things work especially with rainy weather? Is there anything I should be looking for? I may be travelling so I'd prefer if it is small enough to take camping, say...Do any of you have experience with this?
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