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  1. I was giving an example of the kind of cheap gifts that makes a security guard happy, i do not smoke myself and clearly avoid white trash or stupid arguments. it's pub time Andy cap, go to discuss philosophy with with Bob the builder and postman Pat... i have better things to do. GET A LIFE!
  2. it's pub time Andy cap, if you can not understand what i say, go to discuss linguistics and philosophy with with Bob the builder and postman pat... i am adult, and i have better things to do if you don't understand what i say and call it ridiculous... up to you! DON'T LEARN THAI... and feel like a dumb kid in every situations. ทำไมฝรั่งพูดภาษาไทยไม่ได้? เพราะฝรั่งเป็นผลไม้ I have nothing else to add...
  3. Sure and that's a good thing if humans feel good when they get a smile back or feel like, even just for a second, someone will feel better because of them. Just feeling good for a natural reason. If some people believe that to love feels nicer than to feel loved, to give feels better than to get, I sure won't blame them
  4. it's still very similar (for those who try to understand at least) and this many people who speak and read different languages including Thai might agree with what i say... Try Japanese reading for 10mn from any method and you will understand how different it can be. If one builds conclusions based on a few hours pretending to learn Thai, his conclusions may not be exact, excuses for not learning or even pure fantasy... Speaking Thai gets you LOTS of advantages everyday, especially because only a few foreigners dare to learn. I speak Thai only with those I want to talk with and understand pretty well what people say, feel or even think about me out loud sometimes. Foreign Thai speakers get easier life (like normal adults), smiles, freebies, respect, friends and can impress women without even trying... As long as very few try to learn Thai those who do will be treated way better in most situations (exactly like in our home countries... where racists expect foreigners to be fluent within a week). DON'T LEARN THAI... and feel like a dumb kid in every situations.
  5. Any factual reason why thai alphabet would be harder than any others? Arabic or Chinese or hieroglyphics for exemple are obviously harder for a western mind but Thai and Latin are rather similar (at least for those who learned both). As i currently learn a "more difficult' alphabet I can tell Thai alphabet was easier for me and felt easier to remember for quite a few reasons.
  6. This is nothing wrong... many people "do good' for filthy reasons or because they believe in some magical power that will give them a room in "paradise" or winning lottery numbers. If people feel good to "do good" without any other mean than sharing because they feel lucky they were born where they get too much don't blame them because many people feel nothing at all when they do the worst to others!
  7. In countries where they have almost nothing to cure cancer they don't need taxes to pay for cures (exp Laos, Vietnam or Cambodia) you can find local cigs for about 20 to 30b per pack there and bring 10 packs back into TH every time you cross the border... It makes great gifts or tips and also can make some very sad beggars happy.
  8. I answered the exact quote... sorry if I did (no sarcasm... and yes of course some functions might obviously not work on weekends, night or holidays but nothing relating to the quote or to the answer I gave)
  9. LAZY RETARD (sorry, that's what came first to my mind... nothing personal). it sure take more than a month or a year to learn a foreign language... See yourself as lazy or thick or both and we'll have something to agree about it's your choice if you want to live like a childor a mentally disable person by choosing not to be able to perform very simple tasks like going to the post office, order food or ask for direction... Being dependent of a specialized educator or in many case here of a low educated woman is in no way something to be proud of. No pain, no gain
  10. Seriously? You might have been locked in a tiny remote village during the last 20 years (or just never been to Thailand). In shopping malls, plenty of banks opened on weekend...
  11. EXCUSES ARE MADE TO BE USED... I am tone deaf like most european people, it's not a problem at all to learn thai language, speak, understand and be understood in most situations. (sadly some people like some doctors are not often able to understand the need to adapt to a non native but in such case i use pedagogy and everything goes well).
  12. According to western European standards: - not being able to understand the language of the majority of the people around you. - being alcoholic - being sexist - being racist - being in relationship with prostitutes or low educated women you rent - not being able to have a point of view based on facts but just details - arguing like retards on forums - trusting and manipulating groups (gurus, politicians, hate spreaders...) These and many more symptoms are showing TOTAL EDUCATIONAL FAILURE from school, family, society... The educational system here is not a failure, it's a choice for reasons that anybody not seen as a failure in his own country can understand. Only those of us who can speak thai can have a point of view on how locals think or speak (it can get surrealist very often). Spending some time inside local schools to observe how things work is very easy to do for anybody "white" and can also help to understand the situation. Not being able to count, to plan tomorrow or... to believe in magical crap or low level scams like those you see in many western documentaries where very young women say they go to pattaya to "help their old parents" (who are 35) or not reacting to the hilarious crap you all laugh about in the news is obviously the "positive" consequences of choices... Nothing secret or hidden, the thai government has no problem publishing information about the level of english going down for example. Just pay a bunch of real teachers and app developers and in 2 months you will have the whole country playing a game that will make them fluent in English within 3 years... Put up a similar game pushing people to think by themselves and... Everything would change at every levels. It would be that easy. Filipina teachers here had obviously more choices than the local poor women with similar rural background and their level of education is just a little better but already made a huge difference. Very poor mathematics is only 1 symptom.
  13. It's the end of the year, if you live in a condo or apartment you can make collective or individual gifts (many condos have a place for gifts (they will share those on staff party day) In such case, money is great. for security guard for example i often buy cigarettes abroad where they are 20b. 2 packs and some cash plus a red bull... Happy guy for sure. You might eat at some place, buy from street vendors... Those people are often modest and have kids. Thais often give a pack of milk to relatives (plain and individual bottles). Cheap board games like snakes and ladder a ball to play football or anything that push kids to leave their phones and do things together is a good option too. It's even possible to sponsor the education of a kid if you feel like. NGO's, gurus or politicians are rich already... I doubt most do any good. In case you don't speak Thai, buying yourself some courses is a good way (can even be free)... Being able to communicate with people is as good as charity. If I want to change the world, i focus 1 meter around me.
  14. First of all, Christmas, is a concept stolen by christianity from an old Frank tradition (st nicholas, a "children day" celebrated on dec 6th in some parts of northen Europe). I never saw santa claus in a church (but I saw violent neo nazis quite a few times like those lovely people here and pretty much everywhere nowadays spreading hate calling their muslim twin brothers "evil religion"). So basically, you can give gifts to kids on Thai children day as well as any other similar day from any culture you want. To the OP... About giving money to women.... I find it very weird as a gift! BTW, to all those who actually pray that jesus bloke... I suggest you start to read the bible like I do (it's quite interesting). It clearly says how you should behave with those who do not strictly agree with both the words of "god" and his "son". I am not sure that they talk about gifts or kindness my readings were more about violence, blood and flames (easy to check by yourself). To the OP, buddhism is not considered a religion. It's considered a "philosophy". I asked several Thai friends if they pray buddha and as quite a few of of them answered positively I asked if they actually read the teaching of the buddha... all answered that they never did (obvious as the answer to the first question shows...). Make gift to those you love or like even to those in need that you don't know when you feel like not when you are told... To each his own
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