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Everything posted by PleaseTypeSlow4me

  1. If you like a post and that person is on narcotics, will you be jailed?? What about if you like a post with a crowd and one of them is under the influence? jailed? Even outside of Thailand? What if I like a post of a football stadium and there's a Thai on this substance, will I get jail time? LOS... never use social media, never ride a motorbike. never, ever, ever, never, never. It's always a lose-lose.
  2. I walked around Songkran with my 2 meter stick. Strange how it's 2 meters. Coincidence?
  3. she only makes 100,088,978 baht per week from onlyfans, can you send her 100,000 to get a personalized card that says, "Hello."? Three drinks? Oh, that will cost you 187 billion baht, half up front. details in your inbox.
  4. sometimes I complain, then scold myself for being a snowflake and craving attention. I don't raise my voice, just frustrated as I'm sold something defective or endless power outages or lack of water in my rented unit. I smile, keep my frustration inward, and move on. Then I read about this guy and smile......knowing I'm not even remotely craving attention compared to this nutjob. Good, I'm OK. No, he's NOT OK. Definitely not OK.
  5. Might as well blame everyone else, even for the demand!!! These African gangs probably selling only to the farang. Yaba, blame the surrounding countries, only going through Thailand to get to Australia.
  6. such an insensitive and unwarranted comment, only to insult all soldiers, all soldier's families, everyone who knew someone with PTSD and anyone with the slightest bit of compassion. You really came to Thailand to type this? When you were on the plane, you told yourself, "I will insult people for no reason because I enjoy doing this."
  7. What does this mean? You KNEW to get involved, she was being assaulted. Whatever she says doesn't change that, she needed a hero. You said you would be a hero, but you left. I would have saved her, properly. Knocked him out.................. cold. So if you saw a guy beating a woman with a pipe and she was bleeding, crying, but said mai bpen rai... you would say, OK, and leave?? yes, you got involved but did nothing except allow the abuse to continue. sad.
  8. You couldn't get to 10 years, slacker!!!! 20,000 is a good price for a 10 year "visa," and I hope she can pay the 20,000 and be on her way. I gotta imagine people cross that river back-and-forth. Back home you can't even live a week on 20,000 baht. I'll be paying about 20,000 soon based on staying in Thailand. 7-day stamp, 1900. Traveling expenses. 5000. another 1900 for 30-days or like 6000 or 7000 to get Non B including all expenses. then another 1900 for work permit and blah blah blah blah......yea, school pays some of this.
  9. National lockdown a must. Masks mandatory, even in the shower. send all money to the big pharmas of the world. inflation back to 100000% every hour. I just saw clowns selling t-shirts in America for like 4000 baht. simple, plain t-shirts. nothing special at all. soon 10,000 for underwear.
  10. If a real friend, that wouldn't matter. You go there to support his eating habits, catch up, and be a real friend. Seems like that wasn't the case before, so I would have simply rejected this restaurant and saved myself a headache. You work with sexpats, that's another issue. I remember a guy making some poor farang go to a super expensive restaurant just to see him unhappy when he had to pay. Of course he didn't have fun, complained, and it's just a bad relationship. I see you call women "slappers". Well, we won't be friends. lol
  11. This is why they want me to cancel NOW. Hold up.........OK, let's say my school gives me a termination letter in a timely fashion (it is vacation for everyone now, all I can do is message them and then go to school tomorrow to see if anyone is around). If they put a date of say the 28th of April I can do the paperwork in another province? I still thought I had to go to my current immigration office, cancel my extension first, etc......but are you saying with this termination letter I can simply drop off my work permit and leave? I gotta be honest, I plan on doing it all like before and not take any chances, but I am curious to see what my options are. Maybe they can send me this termination letter next week (say they are on vacation) to my new school. This is LOS, nothing will go smooth; however, it does always work out in the end.
  12. not helping, trying to destroy my credibility so I get less help from others. This is not a windup.
  13. this is not a helping phrase. Tell that to your students and see their reaction.
  14. OMG, more questions. Cancel it how far in advance? Is the final day the date stamped in my passport? Are you saying I can do this if I haven't canceled my work permit. This seems strange to me. Why not just cancel it one year in advance? Clearly we need some clarification. Wouldn't the "final day" be the day it's cancelled?
  15. Do you remember COVID? Not the same situation. What if I was with an agency before, or at a learning center, what if I have a teaching license???? I don't need to be aware of anything, I'm surprised you are not more knowledgeable about asking such simple questions before going into your Krusapa waiver rant. tsk, tsk
  16. nah. I've switched before a few times, no worries. Last time they just took my fingerprints at immigration instead of the normal super long process. I did have one from my home country way back when, not updated forever. It's good to have, I guess. There's a small chance they are using that initial check, but my feeling is it didn't matter in my case.
  17. I'm further muddle the waters. Get a VISA, 2 months. extend it one month, possible. That is YOURS, you can do whatever. However, once you get that work permit and extension with the date that matches your contract, well, it gets trickier. I'm learning.
  18. Yea, I figured. Just wanted to clarify, sorry about getting confused. Thanks.
  19. Yea, I'm confused after all these years. Reading from my passport, it does say EXTENSION OF STAY PERMITTED UP TO 30 APRIL 2023. Thanks. Hopefully this helps. With that in mind, do I have to go to immigration from the same place that stamped my passport? What are my options.
  20. now i'm confused again. So I do need to cancel it at immigration?
  21. this is what I'm hoping for, since it will save me hours tomorrow going to the labor department and immigration and allow me more time to travel this entire country to my new job. It's not the end of the world, I can do whatever, but I'm curious what's the most efficient.
  22. @blackcrabI guess I don't. Interesting. OK, so I think you're saying I need to cancel my visa and work permit before leaving the country. Yes? How about this? Can I cancel my visa at an immigration center NOT located in where it was issued? Give my work permit to my school and they will turn it in at a later date. I travel. I get to another province, head to immigration, cancel, and either head out of the country the same day or pay the 1900.
  23. School isn't paying me for April, so they don't care when I leave. As far as a new work permit, well, I don't need one ASAP so I'm not worried about that either. I'm worried I'll go from like Chiang Rai to Hat Yai (as a hypothetical) and try to leave into Malaysia. They tell me, "NO!! You must cancel this visa back in Chiang Rai." That's my worry. Or can I simply just leave, cancelled, go to the embassy with proper documents (of course) and get a new Non B for a different school.
  24. Of course, I got a Non-B visa before my work permit. Good until the length of the contract, unless the contract ends. Visa ends on April 30th. I haven't done anything yet, so no extension. Has the big stamp WORKING AS A TEACHER....blah, blah, blah.. I've had many before, but always cancelled them the conventional way.
  25. Well, school's closed. My contract ends on the 30th of April. My NEW school (not close) wants me there ASAP (it's always like this). OK, so I think I can cancel my WP at the labor office tomorrow, then go to immigration, pay 1900, get a week, leave. Seems easy, except my school says, "Just drop off your work permit at school and we'll do it later." That is not technically allowed, but I have done that before and I do trust them. That's not my question. lol. My question. Can I leave Thailand and get a new Non-B sometime next week without doing the steps mentioned above? I would be cancelling it via leaving the country. Thoughts?
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