Would you have a recommendation for a specialist who could test for allergies (including dog allergies)?
It seems the STI test was a false positive:
1) Culture 1: nothing found
2) PCR 1: Gonnorhea and Trich
3) Took treatment for Gonnorhea, not for Trich
4) PCR 2: Mycoplasma Hominis (no NG and no TV)
5) Culture 2: nothing found
6) PCR 3: Nothing found
No sexual activity between the tests. No other antibiotics taken.
Cultures can be unreliable, especially in the throat, so I’ll ignore those. Gonnorhea is a common STI in the throat. Trich seems to be so uncommon in the throat, CDC actually says it’s impossible to get it but I found one case report in a medical journal. But if that first PCR was correct, how would Trich suddenly disappear despite no treatment, an Mycoplasma Hominis randomly show up despite not sexual activity in between?
Looking at the timeline of my symptoms, they started shortly after I had my friends’ dog stay with me for a week and sleep in my bed. A dog allergy would be odd because my ex has a dog and he would always sleep in the same bed on the other hand we didn’t spend much nights together and I also heard an allergic reaction can depend on the specific dog/breed. I cleaned my bed room and turned my HEPA filter on highest setting and thought my symptoms slightly improved and got slightly worse when the dog stayed over again but this could as well be a coincidence or my imagination. Anyway I thought I should check it.